
Here We Go, Again

"Where am I?" One found himself in an unknown place. A white room with no features.

"Where you are?" A voice said.

One stepped forward and looked around.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"A voice" It said.

"Am I discussing with someone unreasonable?" One asked. There was no reply for a few seconds.

"I am not someone, but I am reasonable" The voice said.

"Then, prove it to me. Where am I?" One asked.

"You're inside a white room" It said.

"I know. But I am no fool. There is more to this room than what meets my eye" One's voice began to deepen and his mood worsened.

"I know you are no fool. That is why you are inside this room. Why don't you walk towards one of the walls and see for yourself?"

One followed the voice's instructions and walled towards one of the walls. He placed his right hand on the wall. Suddenly, the wall changed from a snow white wall and into a mirror.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
