

"Woman!" Gilfred shouted.

The sounds of frantic steps echoed through the corridor.

Entering his work place was his wife.

Gilfred was sat on his rocking chair drinking a bottle of wine. There were three other bottles of wine lying on the floor.

"Yes honey?" His wife asked him.

"Bring me another bottle, this one is almost empty, hurry!" He shouted again. After gulping the entire content of the bottle, he threw it away. The bottle miraculously did not shatter despite being made of glass.

His frightened wife ran across the corridor to give him another or else she'll be punished. Her punishment depended on her husband's mood and how drunk he was.

As she ran to and fro, she was shedding tear after tear yet she did not wail.

"This is no time for wailing!" She thought to herself.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
