
Did I change?

I looked in the mirror at my reflection in the bathroom. I had taken off all my clothes and was staring at my petite and naked body. The curve of my breast and hip shows that I was clearly a girl, but why did I not feel like one. I've never let it become an issue before in my life so why is it such a big deal now?

-Well, if you are a girl, then dress like one!

The elder lady's word had been replaying over and over in my head.

I don't know why I choose to go to the club tonight. It was the first thing that popped into my head when I thought of changing myself. I wanted to attract a guy. I wanted him to look at me like all those guys look at Mi-Young. I wanted to feel like I was a girl.

Jung Hoseok. He was the ultimate reason why I wanted to change myself. I need to attract Hoseok. I can't show my true self to him. Hyung was the only boy in my life and he never looked my way. Why would Hoseok be attracted to a boyish girl like me? So I thought what better way to start than to change the way I dressed.

I slip on a new pair of matching panties and bra that I had just purchased. I use to only wear boy shorts and sports bra. The padded light pink bra with laciness flower embroidery across it cupped my breast and snugged it together.

I grabbed one of Mi-Young's black dress and a pair of her black high heels. I put on the tight black dress and felt like I couldn't breathe. I adjusted the short dress that reached my mid-thigh down, only to reveal my cleavage more, so I just ended up pulling the dress back up. I stare back at my reflection in the mirror.

Who is this person?

As much as I hate wearing this uncomfortable dress when I looked at my reflection, I didn't look too bad. The tightness of the dress showed off my curvy hip and with the new bra, I looked like I was a cup size bigger.

I tried to put on the black heel and I struggled with it for about 10 mins. I almost gave up as I threw the heel across the bathroom, but eventually crawled towards the heel and put it on. When the heel was finally secured on my feet with the straps in place, I tried to stand up. I wobbly grabbed onto the sink counter to keep my balance. I tried walking towards the full-length mirror in my bathroom.

Ughhh.. why the fuck does this shit hurts so much!

Those heels hurted. The tiny shoes were not to my liking, but I needed them. I wanted to look good. I took another good look at myself. I was hunching over and couldn't stand straight in those damn heels otherwise, I think I could be turning heads tonight at the club.

I wobbled out of the bathroom and sat down at the vanity desk. All of Mi-Young's makeup looked foreign to me. I didn't know what was used for what. All I really knew was that lipstick goes on your lips. I grabbed a tube of lipstick and took off the cap. It was a dark red color. I messily applied it on my lips.

As I got up and wobbled to the door, the door sprung open and I see a shocked Mi-Young looking right back at me.

"Hani? Why are you dressed like that?

I panicked when I saw her. Her eyebrows furrowed as she noticed my attire.

"Is that my dress and heels?"

"What are you doing here? I thought you weren't coming here tonight?!"

No one knew about my plan and I wanted to keep it that way. I was really hoping that I could get comfortable with changing myself for a while before showing Mi-Young. It was just my luck that she had to come and see me tonight.

"I changed my mind... what are you doing?" She asked eyeing me up and down. Then she burst out laughing at me.

"Shut up! I was going to go clubbing and you know I don't have anything to wear."

"Who are you going with? Jimin Oppa?"

"No, just me."

"Come here. Let me help fix you up first, then we can both go together, okay?" She giggled as she dragged my hunching form back to the vanity desk.

She grabbed a sheet of makeup remover and removed the lipstick. She turned me away from the mirror as she proceeds to cake my face with pounds of makeup. After doing my makeup, she styled my hair. I didn't know you could still style hair this short, but apparently, she was able to work her magic on my short pixie hair. After what felt like forever, she was finally done.

My heart was racing. I was afraid to look at myself. I closed my eyes and I turn towards the mirror. Not wanting to open them, I asked Mi-Young.

"H-how do I look?"

"Hot and sexy as fuck. How the hell do you look both handsome as hell as a boy and gorgeous as fuck as a girl?"

I mustered up enough courage to slowly open my eyes. I first noticed my eyes. The dark eyeliner that Mi-Young had applied made my eyes look bigger. They were shaped like a cat and I had tiny wings at the corner of my eyes. My eyebrows were perfectly shaped. The smoky dark eyeshadow covered my eyelids. My now red lips looked plump and kissable. I looked like a totally different person.

"Oh wow...." I managed to whisperer.

"Look at you! So sexy. You might just get laid tonight Miss Virgin," I could hear my friend giggling behind me.

"Like you're not a virgin yourself!" I snapped back at her.

"Okay, calm your tits. It's my turn now. Scoot on over so I can fix myself to look sexy with you. If I had known you had this side to you, we could have gone to so many parties together."

I don't do parties and nightclub life. We're both of age to go and Mi-Young had asked me a few times to go with her, but I had always declined. I got up and wobbled to sit on the edge of the bed as I watch her fix her face. She was already wearing makeup and only needed to touch up a bit. She went into the closet and found a long sleeved red crop top and matched it with a tight pair of black legging and black pumps.

We took some selfies before we headed out. As we closed the front door I asked my best friend for a favor.

"Mi-Youngie. Call me Mina tonight. I don't want anyone I know to see me or recognize me," I plead my best friend desperately.

"Why not boyfriend? Why would you not want to show everyone how sexy you can be?"

"Because I'm not 100% comfortable with this yet. I want to change. I really do, but all this was done with your help. I didn't do any of this myself. I want to confidently feel beautiful before I let anyone know or see me."

"But you are beautiful Hani. I wish you could see what I see. Don't put yourself down so low chingu," she hugs me tight before releasing me.

"But if that's what you want, then call me Yuna tonight," she giggled in response and I nodded back to her and finally left to the club.


***Jimin's POV***


I checked my phone and it was a text message from Namjoon Hyung. He was back in Korea and wanted to meet up. I smiled brightly at the text that I received from Hyung and quickly got up to go meet with him at a cafe nearby.

"Hyung! When did you arrive? I didn't think you would come back to Korea soon."

"I was bored without my friend in the states so I followed you here. Besides, I have family here in Busan that I've been meaning to visit. I'm going to stay at their place until I go back to the states."

"Who? Do I know them?"

"I don't think you know them. Kim Seokjin and his little brother Kim Taehyung. They are my cousin's. I'm actually supposed to go see them soon. Can you help me find my way around here? It's been a while since I've been back to Korea."

"Sure thing Hyung. I'll try my best. I've only been back for a few weeks now too. "

We eventually found our way over to his cousin's place. It was an apartment, not too small but not too big either. I watch on as Hyung rung the doorbell and soon the door opened and a young man who looked about my age greeted Namjoon Hyung so warmly. He has the biggest boxed grin I had ever seen. He was really cute. Cute as in puppy cute. His eyes shifted from Namjoon Hyung to me.

"Hi! I'm Kim Taehyung, nice to meet you," his hand extended as he waited for me to shake his hand.

"Hello, I'm Park Jimin. Nice to meet you too," I grabbed his hand and shook firmly.

"Come in, come in! Jin Hyung was just cooking dinner. Stay for dinner Jiminie," Taehyung plead making me look at the adorable boy who seemed so comfortable around me as though he's known me his entire life, even though we just met a minute ago.

"I'm not hungry but I'll stay for dinner," I answered and walk in following Namjoon Hyung with some of his luggage.

I really wasn't hungry but as I enter the apartment, the aroma of the food that was being cook entered my nostrils which instantly made my tummy growled. Taehyung giggled at me as he quickly hooked his arm around my shoulders.

"Not hungry huh? Caught in a liiiiiiiieeeee," he sung out loud to me. For some weird reason, it seemed like I've heard that song before. I shyly smile back at the overly happy boy.

"Namjoon! How are you? We've missed you," the other man called out from behind the counter in the kitchen. I looked at the male who had just called out to Namjoon Hyung. Wow! He was really handsome. I couldn't help but awe at his perfect features.

"Hi, I'm Kim Seokjin, but just call me Jin, please. I'd shake your hand but I'm a bit busy at the moment," he smiled towards me.

"His name is Jiminie. Park Jiminie. I like him Hyung. He's cute, like a mochi," Taehyung answered for me before I could even open my mouth. I just laughed off his remark about me being a mochi.

"Come help me set the table Taehyung. The food is almost ready."

After the delicious dinner, we all sat down on the couch.

"So, what is there to do on a night like this? I just came back to Korea, but I don't want to rest. Let's go out to the bar or club," Namjoon Hyung asked.

"Hyung, I don't have any clothes. I only packed casual wear here to Korea," I answered. I really didn't want to go. I actually just wanted to go back to Hani's and hope to see her and spend some more time with her.

"I have clothes! You can probably fit my clothes," Taehyung gleamed excitedly as he started to drag me into his room.

"Alright, alright Taehyung. Slow down," I said to the overly hyper friend that I had just made today.

To Be Continued...
