
Back To Earth

Mu Family Mansion, Capital City.

In a princess like bedroom there lay a beautiful little girl; sleeping, with a heart monitor beeping steadily beside her. The morning sunlight came through the window and lighten up the dark room, when the light reached her eyes; she frowned, not liking the light that were suddenly invade her peaceful sleep. She opened her eyes slowly and blinked. She was confused by the view in the room, it was unfamiliar but she's sure she has seen it somewhere before. She looked to her right and get irritated by the beeping sounds of the heart monitor. She wants to destroy it with her hand, but shock when she she see the right hand that she just raised was so little, it's the hand of a little girl. She looked at both of her hand and surprised to see the same mini size.

She looked at the decorations of the princess like room again when a thought came to her mind. Wasn't this her bedroom in her first life? What is she doing here? She remember she was about to launched her her latest invention with the others but then, suddenly everything became black. Ah. she also remembered the horrible dream she just had, or was it really just a dream? A shocking realization came to her mind and she come before a large mirror inside her walk-in-closet and very surprised to see the little girl on the mirror.

The little girl on the mirror wore a bright pink hospital dress, though she cringed at the dress she wore; it's not the main point. She has a beautiful soft glowy white as snow skin, cute pointy little nose, a chubby cheeks, red lips, shining silver hair, and a beautiful bright green eyes. She has become even more beautiful than her previous life. Such breathtaking-self, she can't help but blushing when looking at her self in the mirror. Right now, she's only a six years old, she don't dare thinking about the calamity she'll cause in the future. She chuckled and feeling giddy at her own thought. Wait! This is not the issue right now. The main focus is that she's back, she's back to her first life. Back to the Earth. Back to her family.

Yes. Family.

She closed her eyes then smile, a tear can't help but escape from her closed eyes. She opened them again and walked away from her bedroom through the empty corridor. She heard noisy sounds coming from the first floor, she stopped and focused herself to count the sounds of their heartbeats to know how many people were there; she's glad that her sense is as extraordinary as ever. There are 12 in the huge living room, she walked down the stairs and stopped in the middle of it to see who are these people. From the middle of the stairs she can see her mother, father, big brother, grandpa Mu, grandma Mu, uncle Ling, and she was pleasantly surprised to see her grandpa Guhan was here too. As for the rest of the people she could only recognize mother Li and father Li who used to dote on her, and the rest of them was unidentified. She watched these people with complicated feelings.

The Mu family and friends was having a heated discussion about the news they just received this morning about a strange looking creature that was found in an abandoned building in the outskirt of Capital City and some places all over the globe last night. Aside from these creature appearance was very strange, they looked like a giant ant as big as a ten year old child and they only appear from a specific places. At the moment, the scientists and other intelligent institutions suspected these creatures like ant is a result from mutations.

"Little Ai!!" They were still in a heated discussions when suddenly Tangjue shouted and ran towards the little girl that was still standing quietly like a beautiful statue in the middle of the stairs and hugged her tightly. His eyes got watery as soon as he could feel her little warm body, he was so happy to see her standing and walking. He hold her hand and brought her to the living room when suddenly they were hug by their mother that was crying followed by their father.

"Are you okay baby? Do you feel hurt anywhere?" Mother Mu said with panic when seeing her daughter's tears but there is no sounds coming from her. She used to be crying cutely from the top of her lungs whenever she was crying, and seeing she was so quiet; the Mu's parents and elders can't help but worried for her.

Ailee's feeling was in a mess, she feels very overwhelmed at the moment. She's so happy she was over the moon but she's also can't help but feel complicated because even though she's back to her 6 year old body but her soul already more than centuries old and being treated like a baby makes her feels ashamed. So she chose to wipe her tears, smiled reassuringly at her mother and said nothing.

Everyone's breath was taken away by that gentle, calm and beautiful smile. She tilted her head at everyone with an obvious confused expression on her face seeing that everybody was so quiet while looking at her. Her uncle Ling pulled his cute niece to him and was about to put her on his lap, when suddenly he was kicked on the foot by Tangjue and the little princess ended up in the embrace of grandpa Mu.

"Oy, you brat got no respect for the elder" uncle Ling scowled at Tangjue.

"Washed your hands first before touching my baby sister, old man" Tangjue smirked at his scowling uncle.

"Old Li, what happened to her last night? Why isn't she saying anything?" grandma Mu look so worried while looking at her granddaughter calm expression. Everyone also curious about what happened last night.

"Yes, this is very strange. I've seen people's hair changes to white when they just got through a very traumatic experiences in a single night, but this is the first time I see it change to silver. Oh and it's very beautiful sweetheart." Mother Li smiled lovingly at Ailee.

Ailee could only bobbed her head down, she doesn't know what to say because this is her hair color in her previous life. Speaking of her previous life, she closed her eyes and got into her Galaxy Space. Galaxy Space is her own personal space that was the result of her accidental invention, well that's what she chose to believe; because deep down in heart she know that's not the case. This extraordinary space has been with her ever since she was exist in her previous life, and one of her invention; accidentally triggered its activation.


I'll give a mass release on 3rd May. I hope by then there would be someone kind enough to give this story a review.. :")

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