

Me:"What are you guys doing here"

Hj & Hn;"First hold this flower"i take and hold it

Ej & Hn:"Close your eyes"i close then they put some make up which i don't know why are they doing this when i feel sleepy.whatever later i will wash my face and sleep it's just wasting for them make up me.

Fl & Wj:"Now you have to wear this"they put   an earings on my ear

Lk & Cb:"close your mouth properly"they put some lip tint

Sg & Jm:"wear this heels"

Me:"why i have to do this?"

Jn:"just do as we said"i just nodded and wear the heels

Jm & jk:"we will do your hair"they do my hair nicely

Jn & sm:"wear this jewellery"i put the bracelet and rings

After they finished everything I.N put a flower crown on my head while Bang Chan and Rm lead my way to the pool outside.They give my hand to Taehyung and they leaved.Taehyung kneel and take out a ring and said.

Tae:"Yerin ahh,i know it's too fast to ask this but as you know if i did'nt do it now i will don't have the chance to say this."He took a deep breath and said "Will you marry me?I know that we will getting marry this weekend but that's our parents plan, i don't want you to get married with me forced by your parents.I want we both to get married as we want even though you just be my girlfriend for 1 day i know that i will live you more than 1000 years.I love you so much.To be honest i have fallen for you for so long,it's just that i scared that you did'nt love as i do.So now will you take this ordinary guy to be your husband for richer,poorer,in sickness and in health."

Me:"Yes,i will take you to be my husband for me you're extraordinary.You've take my heart,you have take my soul with you.Even how many bad things you do i still love you,You're the reason why i'm happy and sad.I promised you that i will always love,care and cherish you"i cried in for joyness

He put the ring on my fingers and he hug me tightly and plant some kisses on my face,nose,lips.They came and throw the roses petal and Hyunjin,Han and Suga use the party popper while the others are cheering behind.


After that day i and Taehyung become more closer. We even stay in one room together,he has become more sweeter and caring.He is more to human than monster. We went to his parents house since our parents want to discuss about the marriage because there is only 3 days left for it.

Mom:"aigoo my daughter has getting more closer to Taehyung now"

Me:"Actually we love each other now"

Appa:"I know you guys will like each other"

Dad:"our plan success "

Both:"What plan?"

Eomma:"Our plan is to make you guys fall for each other"

Tae:"Why i don't know this?"


Mom:"Since we have done with Wedding  preparation so there is nothing that we have to do for make up, hair styles your friends want to handle it so we let them do it"

Dad:"I'm so excited to see you guys on your wedding"

Appa:"It reminds us when we were young"

Eomma:"Aish what you guys talking in front the kids"she slapped appa hands.

~Bachelor Party

We did on a karaoke centre,which Lee Know rent the place for the whole day.We dance and singing like a crazy person.Bang Chan sang Let it go song.The room feel gonna break into thousands due to their voices.

Then I.N,Lee Know and Bang Chan sang Solo (Jennie)

We karaoke until we get tired

(Full Video of their karaoke)

Then suga and Taehyung sang New Face by PSY

Jungkook,Rm and Jin sang Wind Memory.Rm voice R.I.P

Some of them fall asleep there i and Taehyung try wake them but they still sleeping.RM snoring so loud which i don't know how could they sleep when it so noisy.

Since Jungkook,Chang Bin,Taehyung and Bang Chan did'nt sleep they try to carry them to the car.

Me:"you guys don't have to work out for 1 week already"i tease them then laughed

After we put them in the car they went inside the convenience store to buy some drinks since they are so tired after carry them.When they almost come out someone call Taehyung.

Bora:"Taehyung"why is she back

To Be Continued...
