
Run Away

Taehyung POV

After she left my mother and father ask me to chase her even though i don't want to do that then i saw she walk to beach so i follow her then i saw she went to the beach then i saw she was sitting alone there and crying then suddenly she shout"yahh Kim Taehyung why must it be you in this holy world.WAE WAE ??.AGHHHH"

Then someone go to her and try to fuck her but i just stay there watch what are they doing

Yerin POV

I went to the nearer beach t take some fresh air because i feel sad for what my parents did to me earlier just now,it's so upset.I feel like want to die,just want to jump in the sea.they know that i don't like people arranged my life but why they do this to me it really hurt me.I don't like him,i don't love him so how can i married to him plus she have girlfriend that he cherish to love so i can't be the third person in their relationship but my parents and her parents are forcing us to get married ,i don't want to die in young "Yahh Kim Taehyung why must it be you in this holy world.WAE WAE ??.AGHHH"I was so freak out so i shout so loudly but i don't care if people heard me because that is the fact but then it turn to different way, suddenly a guy with alcohol bottle in his hand push my hand try to kiss me but i pushed him away but he take my hand harshly again but this time i could'nt do anything because there is another 2 men behind him they tried to seduce me.

"hey girl don't try to run away from us because you cant do anything little girl" man 1 said "pretty girl like you should'nt been out alone like this so we will accompany you and doing something fun" man 2 said "You should be happy to get handsome person like us in this world"man 3 said then i burst into tears because i scared if they raped me or something "HELLLLPPPPPPP"i shouted but there is no one there but then there ia a guy came and punch him and kick his ass and surprisingly it was taehyung

Tae:"wth are you doing here in this time,you know it's dangerous for a girl to be a lone"

me:"why the hell are you thinking huh?"


me:"you have to stop thie marriage dude,i don't want to die because of you"

tae:"why must you die because of me,ahh what ever i don't want to know"

me:"i don't even tell that i want to tell you the reason,so bye i want to go home"

tae:"wahh acting cool huh outside"


then someone shout form behind "hyung i have brought my car here so kaja let's go somewhere to eat" then i saw it was jungkook the bts guy will always hangout with this dude

tae:"ohh jungkook hh you have arrive,i thought jimin will come" i

jk:"no he is sleeping"

tae:"aishh that guy,wait for a while i will come back"

tae:"come we will sent you back home or not that guy will disturb you again and i have to answer to your parent"

me:"nevermind i could just take a bus"

tae:"no you have to listen to me"

me:"i don't want"

tae:"can you shut your fuck mouth and follow me"

me:*sigh "fine"

then we went to his car and he drove to a chicken restaurant

me:"i thought you guys going to sent me home"

jk:"aww noona i'm hungry so let's eat here first then i will sent you home safely,promise"

me:"okay since you're good i trust you"

jk:"okay noona"

tae:"like we want to kidnapped you even we don't want girl like you" he glared at me

me:"look like i care"

jk:"noona hyung please stop it"


We was eatng chicken and some rameyeon then suddenly jungkook start a conversation

Jk:"so why are you guys together"

Tae:"just some family problem that we have to settle"

Jk:"but why must be you two"

Me:"just nothing"

Jk:"noona hyung please tell me,what's going on"

Tae:"actually jungkook ahh our parents ask us to married because business issue but i have girlfriend sowhat should i do now"


me:"please don't tell anyone about this if you can give us some idea on how to cancel this wedding"

jk:"i think you guys have to married because your parents is hoping you guys to safe their company but if you don't want too then you have to tell your parents that you don't like this married"

me:'but they forced us though"

tae:"even i have tell them about i have a girlfriend but they still want us to married"

jk:"then i don't what to do with you guys"

jk:"let's eat first and forget about this problem and i will try to help you guys and i won't tell anyone about this"

me and tae:"gomawo"

then we eat but then after we eat we heard someone crying

3rd Person POV

When they was talking about marriage there is someone who heard about this and she cried after heard that hey going to married so she burst into tears but then Taehyung,Yerin and Jungkook heard that someone crying and they turn behind to see who is the one crying but the want most shocked was taehyung


To Be Continued...
