
Fake mommies

Li mansion.

While writing names in the invitation letters, the men were busy having their own dirty-sweet conversation.

" I never expected you to be so fast mate." Sebastian said.

Songpa awkwardly scratched his head and said," It wasn't planned."

" Even Singtan and I did not plan for a baby. It just happened." Mike said.

" You gotta be careful if you don't want one." Yufan said.

" Exactly. Now see, Dina and I dated for several years before getting married but I was always super careful and never did it without using protection." Sebastian said.

" Yeah that is right. Thinking about protection is a man's job. We have to extra careful." Yutang said.

" At least Songpa isn't like Singtan who did not use protection at all in the initial stages and that is how Zian happened just a few months after he got married." Mike said.

" Hey Singtan, are you using protection now? I hope you are." Yutang said.
