
A Day at Sea

"Is this yours?"

"Yeah, haven't used it in ages though, but I still know how to sail," He said as he check the haul for holes before holding out his hand for Cassidy, "Welcome aboard," She sat down on the lowered part of the deck. Hugo undid the ropes that held the ship to the port and pulled up the mainsail, "We won't be going extremely fast, this is a romantic cruise," She laughed. They left the port and were soon cruising on the waves of Bilgewater, "Have you ever left the island?"

"What do you mean?"

"Gone to sea?"

"No, this is the first time I do," She said as she sat back in the ship, "And to think you do this all the time, with the rising sun, the water is beautiful."

"Your majesty appreciates the view," He said with a playful tone.

"Okay, I know that it was silly, but don't rub it in," She sounded annoyed, "He just asked me what I wanted to be called, since you are Capt'n, he didn't want to call me by my name, so I chose your majesty," Hugo laughed, he hung his hand in the water and splashed some at Cassidy, she gasped and he laughed some more, "That's cold!" She said in surprise, "I thought it was summer, why is it so cold?"

"Early morning," He shrugged, "It is always like this. Don't worry, the air will heat you up."

"Look over there!" She said as she pointed at a pair of dolphins swimming and jumping out of the water, "I've never seen this before, they are so beautiful."

"They do that often," He said as he pulled down the mainsail, "I think this is a good place."

"What do you mean 'a good place'?"

"I don't know," He said as he dropped the anchor, "We are half an hour away from the shore, do you want to swim?"

"I, um, I don't know how to swim," Cassidy said shyly, "I never learned."

"I can try to teach you if you want," He said as he removed his shirt and his boots. He dived off the boat into the water, "Jump in."

"Are you sure?"

"I'll catch you, don't worry," He said as she removed her shirt and her shoes. She carefully felt the water with her foot.

"It's so cold," She said, "Will you catch me?"

"Yeah, of course, just come on, it's not that bad."

"Okay then, you better fucking catch me, I swear if you don't catch me."

"Just jump in," He said as she jumped in. She struggled to the surface gasping for air. Hugo moved closer to her holding her up with his arm as he tread water. She was shivering.

"It's really cold," She stammered, "Thank you for catching me."

"You see, I caught you," He said, "It's not that cold, you just have to get used to it."

"It's really cold," She said as Hugo removed his arm from under her, she clung onto him, "What are you trying to do?"

"Don't you want to learn to swim?"

"I can try but," She looked down, "Will you help me?"

"That is the whole point of me teaching you to swim," He said, "You want to try?"

"Su-Sure," She said as Hugo let go of her.

"Now just swim to me," Hugo said as he painfully watched her struggle to get to him. She grabbed onto him and sighed, "You see, it isn't so hard."

"Can I try it again?" She said, "I think I can do it better."

"Okay, if you want," Hugo said as he pushed away from her again, she started to swim towards him, still struggling to get to him. She grabbed onto him and pulled towards him, he kissed her, "You want to try again?"

"Actually," She said breathing heavily, "No, let's go back to the ship."

"If you want," Hugo said as he swam on his back holding Cassidy above him. She grabbed onto the ship's railing and Hugo pushed her up onto the ship, before laying back in the water.

"Not coming back on?" She said as she lied down on the deck of the ship.

"No, I enjoy being in the water."

"I'll just be here, tanning."

"Okay, don't burn though," He said as he dived down under the water, he put his hand in front of his mouth and gave himself more air. These powers are pretty fucking cool. He swam deeper down in the sea. A small school of fish small around him. He stayed still and they swam around and then dissipated back into the deep blue. The current was weak and the water was clear and cool. He gave himself more air before swimming back to the surface. He emerged from the water and climbed back onto the ship. He shook his hair and sat down in front of Cassidy.

"You want something to eat?"

"What are you going to do? Catch a fish?"

"No," He said as he opened the door to the small room on the ship.

"What are you doing?"

"I had my advisor put these here."

"When? You came back last night and I didn't hear you ask him."

"Well, I did something mean, but it was to keep it a surprise, I cut your hearing and asked him that when you weren't paying attention."

"You can do that?"

"Clearly I can because you didn't hear me, can I try something else?"

"I don't know what to expect from you anymore."

He snapped his finger.

"Speak to me," He said. She opened her mouth but nothing came out. She put her hand to her throat and looked at him, "I kinda prefer it like that," Cassidy's expression changed. She looked at him with wide eyes, she looked at him with fiery eyes, her cheeks were red with rage. He snapped his fingers again.

"You piece of shit, I thought you, you, you mother fucker," A tear came to her eye, "I can't believe you said that," He moved next to her.

"You know I didn't mean that," He kissed her cheek, "I thought you would see it as a joke."

"I am sorry, I just cracked at that comment," She said, "I was so crushed by that, I thought you actually meant it, and," He snapped his fingers, "What was I talking about?"

"Nothing, you just started to cry, so I was worried for you."

"I don't know why I am crying," She said as she wiped her eyes. That was too close, I should think before I say things. "You said you had some food."

"I'll go get it," He said as he opened the door and pulled out the chest of food. He wiped his forehead. That was a dumb move, I really am a fucking idiot, ain't I? He opened the chest, "What would your majesty want to eat?"

"What is there?"

"Some blade fruits and blood fruits, there are some river fruits, some blood kelp, two bottles of Riverwood and a bottle of blade, I bought more but not for breakfast."

"What is blade?"

"Something that you probably won't like," He said, "I like it but if you want a try go ahead."

"Then yes please," She smiled as Hugo poured her a drink and handed her the glass, she put it to her lips.

"Should I tell you what it is?" She took a drink and coughed, "Too late."

"What is this?" She said holding her throat, "You like this thing?"

"Yeah," He took her glass and downed it, "Can you guess the degrees?"

"I don't know," She coughed, "Strong, that is my answer."

"Well, it is 90 degrees," He smiled, "Maybe you want something else?"

"Yeah," She rubbed her neck, "Can you pass me the fruits?"

"Which ones?"

They stayed on the ship for an hour more, "You want to go swimming?"

"Sure," Cassidy said as he took off his shirt and dived in, "Can you catch me?"

"Yeah, don't worry," He said swimming at the surface. She jumped in and he moved away from her. She struggled to him.

"I thought you would catch me," She said clinging to him, "Why didn't you?" He just laughed. He smiled at her before dragging her under the surface. She struggled before he put his hand in front of her mouth giving her air. She looked at him surprised but allowed him to lead her. He swam down towards the seafloor. He stood his feet on the sand. He gave her more air. He swung his arm and created an air bubble that made a room around them, "You could have told me," She said gasping for air, "This is amazing, you really are full of surprises, can I touch the side?"

"It's a bubble, not a glass wall, it will pop, unless that is what you want."

"Okay then," She said moving away from the side, "This is so fucking cool, what else can you do?"

"I can control elements, I can enter your mind," Hugo said, "Do you always think about me?"

"I don't know, I guess I do," She said, "Hey! Stop looking at what I am thinking!"

"Sure, I can remove your voice, I can remove your senses and other things, like give myself more air or you more air. We can have a couple minutes in here, before the air runs out."

"I think we can return to the surface," She shivered, "It is a little cold down here."

"Grab my arm, your majesty," He smiled.

"Stop calling me that," She said as the bubble collapsed and the water returned to it's normal spot. He pushed off the seafloor and swam upwards. They emerged from the water with Cassidy clinging onto Hugo and gasping for air once again, "Maybe we should go back, the sun is setting, maybe we could have a nice dinner together, what do you think?" He said as he helped her back onto the ship. He pulled himself onto the ship and closed the door on the ship, "So what do you say?"

"I don't know, why not, if I get something special..."

"You will, but if you want just lie down and I'll do the rest," He said as he rose the anchor, "I'll handle the rest."

"Okay," She lied down on the deck, still with no shirt or skirt, "Is this not too distracting?"

"No, absolutely not," He said as he rose the sails. The sun made the sea shine a golden tone. The summer winds puffed the sails. The waves gently splashed against the ship as they headed back to the city. Hugo looked out into the distance. I haven't had this time with her in ages, no interruptions, nothing. The island in the distance slowly grew as they neared it. The city's chimneys release small pillars of smoke into the air raising up in the sky. Hugo looked up to the sky. I hope you are doing fine Sevinor. I wish I could have done something to protect you, at least you opened my eyes to the problem at hand, I miss you, you are the reason I am still here and this empire still stands, thank you. He returned to his reality when he heard Cassidy yawn.
