
Are We Ready, Yet?

A new day began with the sun rising just above the Blacktongue mountains, as the light banished the darkness of the valley below. Though the light just now touched the valleys of the Blacktongue clan, many had already gotten up and started their day.

Jukzuk walked out of the back of the burrow, to see Xa'Gun lifting weights.

"Son, have a good night's rest?"

Xa'Gun grunted a yes.

"That's good. Today, We need to go see your master." Jukzuk noted as he went over to roll more weight over to Xa'Gun.

After the bar was loaded with more weight, Jukzuk spotted for Xa'Gun as he began harder exercises.

"Fa-Father?" Xa'Gun squeezed his words out while deadlifting the 210kg bar. His muscles swelled and veins wiggled under his skin, while it took on its usual red hue.

Jukzuk watched his son's muscles expand as Xa'Gun continued to lift, he responded, "You got a question?"

"Y-yes," Xa'Gun grunted out as he placed the bar back down, breathed, and picked it up again.

"What's on your mind?" Jukzuk continued to monitor Xa'Gun's form.

Xa'Gun lifted it again and placed it back down. He puffed a few times, as he thought lifting this level of weight was getting easier.

"Where did Hellie and Demze go last night after we ate?" Xa'Gun asked before returning to his lifting.

"Oh? One night, and you already miss the company of an Orcess. Oh, dear son, to die on top of an orcess, this is a tragedy I wish to not see." Jukzuk said with a smirk.

Xa'Gun put the weight back down and furrowed his brows.

"I see you're not in the mood for theatrics."

Xa'Gun gave a confused grunt, "The-Attracts?"

"Theatrics... How to put it... Acting dramatic without good reason, I suppose you can say."

"Oh?" Xa'Gun grunted he understood and went back to lifting.

"As for your question, both were called back home. Seems both haven't visited their home in many days. The Chieftain stated it wasn't a good idea for unpaired orcess to stay over at an orc's burrow without a proper claim, let alone a slave."

Xa'Gun put down the bar, in thought.

"What is it?" Jukzuk noticed the intense look of concentration on Xa'Gun's face.

"What does the chief really want?" Xa'Gun asked, standing up and dusting his hands.

"Why do you ask that?"

"He didn't seem to care about it a month ago, why does he care now. Strange." Xa'Gun shrugged, as he went over to the full-orc atlas stone.

"You have a good point there, son. I think he wanted them to return for a reason, but what that reason is, I'm unsure... We'll find out soon enough, I'm sure. In the meantime, We need to get going."

"Can I try to lift this stone for a moment?" Xa'Gun pointed to the full-orc atlas stone.

Jukzuk thought for a moment and then spoke, "Go ahead... But lift with the legs, not the back."

Xa'Gun squatted, wrapped his arms around the large stone, and began to stand holding the 154kg stone.

Veins push up against his skin like never before. His muscles rippled over his ribs, he held his core tight, as he breathed slowly. The stone began to lift into the air.

Xa'Gun's skin turned red from head to toe. His muscles expanded like never before. He braced himself and stood completely upholding the stone tightly.

"I'll be damned. You were just barely able to pick it up a month ago. Damn good progress. You're a full Orc now, son."

Xa'Gun bent over quickly and released the stone to the ground as easily as he could, which meant it was a controlled drop.

He then went to one knee while drawing in ragged breaths of air.

"It's still... haaa... hard to pick up, ah..." Xa'Gun spoke between breaths.

"Well, you're doing better than before. Come on, let's head out before the sun is directly over our heads. I think your master has a surprise for you."

Xa'Gun blinked a few times at what a surprise would be for him... The only surprises he ever got in his life were tragic... Best not to think about it, as Xa'Gun shook his head, and grunted he understood.


Xa'Gun looked up to the sign on the shop. He could see the Orcish Glyphs that he knew to mean Hellhar Butchery.

Following behind Jukzuk, they walked through the busy shop, as Jukzuk stopped and asked the older orcess with long red hair, "Hey Sho-Sho, just letting you know we're here."

The fair-faced but muscular orcess looked up from the shank she had just cleaved to order.

"No problem, Zukky." The orcess known as Sho-Sho was named Shoragah, first wife of Gorzoc. She looked over Xa'Gun in his dark hood that covered his face, but not his body.

"He's leaned down quite a bit, hasn't he... The girls were telling me about him, and that last kill in the arena he performed..." Shoragah looked slightly enchanted, "Glorious victory, boy." Shoragah smiled in a motherly way.

Xa'Gun peered from under his hood to see the smiling face of Shoragah. He furrowed his brows, as he didn't understand her expression.

Jukzuk nudged Xa'Gun, "You can speak, son. You don't have to be mute here."

"Ah, Ummm... Thank you, Elder." Xa'Gun managed to find his words.

Shoragah raised a brow and looked over to Jukzuk, "You need to teach the boy how to address orcess... Seems he's confused. I'll let it slide due to his raising, but I expect better, Zukky."

"Of course, of course, Sho-Sho." Jukzuk took out a rag and dabbed his forehead.

As the orders were being shouted louder, Shoragah shook her head, "Run along, I have to keep up with my sister, or she'll crow at supper tonight that she cut more meat than me."

"No worries. We were just stopping in to let you know who was coming and going." Jukzuk placed his rag back in his pouch.

Shoragah grunted in approval and went back to work.

"Come on, son." Jukzuk walked out the back of the shop, with Xa'Gun close behind.

In the back of the compound that opened to a large courtyard, both Jukzuk and Xa'Gun found Gorzoc looking displeased flanked by two orcess... Two orcess that appeared very familiar to Xa'Gun.

"Daddy, come on... We can watch. He's not going to eat us up right in front of you is he?" Mazoga whined.

"Yeah, what's the problem in watching?" Glasha appealed.

"Mazoga, you need to be helping in the shop, and Glasha, you need to be studying if you want to push quills, also, I already promised Morbash that his boy can court you." Gorzoc chastised both orcess.

Glasha stamped her foot, "Daddy! Zoughat is nice, but have you seen Xa'Gun!"

Mazoga bumped her sister and whispered, "Shhh, here he comes."

"Oh?!" Glasha turned to see the traitor and his hooded son walk into the back courtyard.

Gorzoc shook his head, as he called out, "You're late Zukky."

"You always say that, but I always make it in my own good time." Jukzuk laughed, as he took Gorzoc's arm in a warrior's handshake.

Gorzoc laughed, "If you say so, friend."

The Bloodletter sisters stepped to the side to watch. Mazoga waved shyly at Xa'Gun.

Xa'Gun happened to be looking in her direction. He didn't know if he should wave back or not, so he remained quiet, as he paid no attention to the pair of sisters.

Glasha snickered, while Mazoga put her hand down with furrowed brows.

"What are you laughing at? He didn't bother to look at you either." Mazoga whispered harshly to her sister.

"We'll just have to get his attention then." Glasha thought and whispered to her sister.

The two nodded to each other, while Gorzoc raised a brow. He then looked to his two daughters, "You two can remain, but if you interfere, you know I'll swat both your behinds even if you girls are near grown... Right in front of this boy, if I have to." His voice sounded of authority, but not of hatefulness.

Not lost on the sisters, both nodded quickly, as Glasha spoke quickly, "We can help with water, rags, clothes, weapons, whatever you need, we can go fetch, right sister?"

"Right." Mazoga nodded quickly as well.

"Very well." Gorzoc was many things and was called many things. Butcherer of the Bleeding Gates, among other titles, but before all that he had a soft heart as a father.

Gorzoc turned his attention to Xa'Gun, "You can remove your hood here, boy."

Xa'Gun did so revealing his handsome, by orc standards, face.

Jukzuk walked to the side and took a seat on the steps of one of the side buildings.

"Alright, boy. Your old orc has been telling me that you wish to cultivate... Is that it?"

Xa'Gun's eyes opened wide enough that they threatened to tear at the edges, "Yes, sir!"

"Orcs can't cultivate human ways... Stars and sky non-sense." Gorzoc spat on the ground, "Orcs draw their power from the world, itself, but you already know that right, boy?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Good. I wanted to wait to teach this to you when you had a bit more of a firmer foundation, but... time isn't on our side." Gorzoc looked to Jukzuk who nodded back.

"Alright, let's begin."

Voidmirage, the Blind Idiot God here!

Aka the Daemon Sultan, ya know!

Another chapter; another day.

Toss ya Daemon Sultan a coin would ya?



Voidmiragecreators' thoughts