
Sam's Apartment

"You could be a bit more enthusiastic. You are in one of the most famous cities in the world."

Sam eagerly took in all the scenery around them as they took a taxi from the airport to the secure building Justin had chosen for her to live in less than ten blocks from her university.

"Too many people."

There were people everywhere. L.A. was a large urban area but it couldn't compare to the insane sprawl that was downtown Manhattan. How could any of them breathe being pressed so close together on the street?!

"I think it's awesome. I'm so glad I get to live here!"

"Good for you," he said flatly.

Justin was antsy. He wanted to get back to L.A. and his beautiful girlfriend as soon as possible. He hadn't hugged or kissed her or seen her heart-stopping smile in person for over five days and it was killing him.
