
The Secret That Could Destroy Everything

The last day of the cruise passed in a blur of happiness that Justin could hardly remember. He found himself on the dock with a suitcase in hand waving goodbye to his friends.

Dominic promised to get him into the engineering lab so he could finish up that laundry folding machine in exchange for treating him to Mexican food, which was a great trade. Justin didn't have the tools or space on his own to work on it and he wanted to finish it up this summer to try and patent it. Emily probably wasn't the only one who wanted a laundry folding machine.

They all promised to be more consistent about hanging out with each other and went on their merry ways. When Justin and Emily got back to his apartment he ordered take out for a late lunch even though she wanted to cook because he wasn't in the mood to go grocery shopping just yet. Cookie expressed his joy in seeing them both by parking himself on Justin's laptop the second he opened it.
