
The First Love

"Tell me Lance, what exactly happened to the two of you back then?"

Philip knew that something was already going on between Lance and Lisa at their early age. Not that he found out an untold relationship between the two but he felt it on how they treated each other that more than friendship were building up between them as they grow older. And he had his full trust towards Lance as he witnessed how the boy grew up.

He and his wife, Nancy, who already passed away after Lisa's graduation in high school, took Lance' custody after his mom, Tessa, died from vehicular accident. Tessa was one of their loyal servants. She had also been a good friend of Nancy and Philip as she was also the one who helped raising Lisa. She died on Lance 12th birthday after buying from the market for a small celebration. They had searched for Lance' father and Tessa's other relatives after her burial but found none.

Being a good person and kind-hearted like his mother, Nancy and Philip had been fond of Lance. They raised him like their true son since they were not blessed of another child, a boy in particular. After Lisa was born, Nancy had complications making her unable to bear a child or if she could bear one by luck, there is a very tiny chance that the baby would survive.

Lisa had been raised well being an only child but not to the point that she would turn to a spoiled brat. She even received more doting from Lance who acted as her big brother and parent when Nancy and Philip were out of town. They would be left with the head maid, Linda, to look over them. Lance, being mature at early age, helped Linda in taking care of Lisa.

But he did not need a lot of patience back then since Lisa, most of the time was showing her mature side. Her childish side would come out if there would be things that she would really badly want but cannot have. But that happened rarely. As she, most of the time, comprehend situations like she was really old enough to understand.

Lance was reminiscing those countless cherishable moments that they had and had a bitter smile. "You know how Lisa value promises so much. And I know back then that she held on those things I promised tightly. There were just circumstances that did not allow me to fulfill those on time... maybe I was way too late now." Sadness and longing were evident in his dark brown eyes. He failed. He failed big time, to his first love at that.

Lisa's Room

Lisa was on her phone talking to her bff (best friend forever). She had no more tears to cry for that a**hole. He really had the guts to come back in her life and thought it would be easy like that? That he'll just come one morning and tadaaa!! Surprise! I'm back! Huh!

'Lucky you I was not able to think fast. I must have punch your handsome face hard until you had no face to show me anymore!'

What? Handsome? And Lisa was still able to evaluate his face that time. But in all fairness, he still carry that face that all panties would fall voluntarily for.

Ugh! Can we just stop with praising him? Sigh..

"Hey, Sab! Where are you?"

"In my roooooom. It's still earlyyyyy. What's the proooooob?" Sabrina answered and Lisa heard her yawning. Yeah. Sabrina is the exact opposite of Lisa. She is not a morning person. She'd rather dream of Lee Min Ho a thousand times more than cut a dream just to wake up early and get tired early.

"My God, Sab! What time is it and you're still drooling on your pillow? Get up and let's have a breakfast!"

"Over there?"

"Hell no!" Lisa's voice was like two octaves higher this time.

"Whoa! Easy on that Lis... Have mercy on my poor eardrum. I have a hunch on what happened but I won't let you spill it out over the phone. Let's talk about it over breakfast. Just come over here and I'll just have our breakfast delivered. I'm not in the mood to go out. I'm having a jet lag!"

"Alright. Be there in 30 minutes." Lisa went to the bathroom to freshen up and wear short jeans and a comfortable tshirt matched with low cut sneakers. Sabrina's condominium was just in front of the gates of Peninsula Estates so it is just near their house.

She inhaled before she opened the door. Knowing that Lance would still be there with his dad? She ran downstairs and to the main door.


"I'll meet Sab. Just call me if YOUR visitor had already gone out of this house." She said that while still holding the doorknob and without looking to her dad. She did not give Philip any more time to say another word. She opened the door and headed to her Volkswagen and sped to Sab's condo.


Lisa had a lot of why's in her mind while driving towards Pearl Heights. She had waited for the promise of his comeback for years and it had been three years since she had stopped hoping he'll show his face again. She hated him for having the guts to come into their house as if it was their first time to meet. But what can Lisa do? Lance had the best backer which is her dad. She hoped she was just sleeping that everything that happened this morning was just a dream. She had already moved on. Meeting him again is the last thing she'd expected in her entire life.

After parking her car in the basement, she headed towards the private elevator which headed to the 24th floor, the top floor where the penthouse is located and it occupied the whole floor. Pearl Heights were inherited by Sabrina through her late grandfather. Being the most favored grandchild, she got the highest shares in Tan Corporation and made the next CEO of the said company at the age of 23. Of course, she got the envious and hatred of her cousins, but what can they do if they only got half of Sabrina's intelligence. And that fact made her grandfather not to think twice before he died.

Since the inheritance was announced, Sab doubled her security. A very few people can have the access to her penthouse. One of them is Lisa. Being best friends since birth, she was given the privilege to use the private elevator.

When she reached the top floor, she stepped out of the elevator and went to the door to press the password. The door just existed for secondary security purposes. In case someone unallowed or uninvited person gate crashed through the elevator, there would still be the steel door to block their way. However, it never happened yet since the private elevator which was only accessible through the first basement and lobby, were completely guarded.

The door automatically slided to the left upon pressing the unlock password. Lisa entered and the door automatically closed. She saw Sabrina went out from the bathroom.

"What a face Lis! Is that how you treated your gorgeous best friend a good morning? Come on!" She said while drying her hair with a towel.

"Do you know who came to our house on such an early morning?!"

"It's Lance, right?"

"But how did you know?" Lis asked unbelieving how quickly Sabrina guessed who that was.
