

Wang Yiling sighed. She was waiting outside the bar for her driver. Just before, she had took plenty of picture of her sister losing her virginity with an old man.

She took her phone and called Sheng Kate.

"Kate, how's going the shopping of shares?"

Wang Yiling heard a muffled sound. Her lips curveled up as she understood the situation. "May I come help you?"

Kate laughed. "Do you even have to ask?"

"I don't. Pheonix Group right?"

"Yes. We got something pretty over here, you'll love it."

Wang Yiling hung up. At the time, her driver had already arrived. She greeted him and jumped into the luxurious car that her grandfather bought her.

"The Pheonix Group, please!"

The driver raised an eyebrow in surprise. He didn't dare ask why the young Miss was going there but probably something important.

Wang Yiling had remarked his look. "Business with the Ceo. If you ask, yes, it is legal. I'm innocent."

Somehow, the driver was not reassured. He knew that when it comes to business, the Young Miss was not someone to underestimate. She could bring you down in a blink so when she came for business, you should be careful.

They soon arrived at the Pheonix Group who was in the dark. The driver nevoursly looked at Wang Yiling who smiled to him before getting out of the car.

She arrived in the quiet entrance left in the dark. The elevator was still on thank to Kate. She entered it with a smile and press the 20th floor.

Soon, she arrived to the Ceo's office. On her way here, she had saw many office closed since the work was finished. The only light in the company was in the Ceo's office. She pushed the massive door and found the Ceo attached to his chair, frightened.

His face brightened up when she saw the familiar of Wang Yiling. "You came save me right?! This mad woman attached me!!"

Wang Yiling glared at him coldly then took a chair and put it in front of him. "Mr Rong, you better watch your tongue when you talk to my people."

His face paled instantly. "You planned this! What monster has the Wang family adop..."

He brutally stopped when Kate punched him right in the face. His nose was bleeding and he looked horrible.

"Call me whatever you want. No one will believe you anyway." She sighed. "I'll get to the point. I want all the shares that you posses of the Jiang Corporation."

Rong Hu laughed. This was the investment that give him the biggest part of his money, he couldn't just give it away. "You can't force me to do that. You have no right."

Wang Yiling chuckled. "You thought I came here unprepared? Kate, can you bring me the Ipad please?"

Kate nodded and gave her the brand new IPad. Wang Yiling went through the videos and showed a couple of them to Rong Hu. "Pretty, good right? I wonder why I wouldn't publish that. I mean, a videos of you and your daughter-in-law doing things that you don't want your wife and your son to know."

Rong Hu was frozen. He didn't only betrayed his wife but also his son. His daughter-in-law was a beauty that he couldn't resist. He was lucky that he didn't make a move on Wang Yiling. He would already dead by now.

Wang Yiling slapped him to get his attention back. "So? Are you willing to sell me the shares now?"

"Of...course, with all my pleasure."

Wang Yiling smiled and gave him the documents. Rong Hu didn't even look at them, he just signed where he got to. He gave them back with a huge smile.

Wang Yiling smiled back and left the office. She glared at Rong Hu one more time before the door closed. Both of the girl laughed when they left the building.

Kate read the documents then burst in laugher. "How stupid is he? He gave his company to the Wang Family without even knowing!!"

"I know! The face he's gonna make when he realized what he did and the scandal that he will face soon."

Both of the girl laughed evily. The only reason that they took his company away was because he had killed Kate's older sister. This is something unforgivable.
