
Exacting Revenge & The Agreement

Dark, crimson blood covered the ground… as dozens of brutally dismembered bodies filled the ground, littered everywhere, declaring that they were the source of the crimson liquid that dyed everything in a diameter of 50 meters at the very least…

"You…" a middle-aged man who lost his lower half stared at the source of this destruction as he struggled to stay alive…

"I told you, I told you I will be back and kill every single one of you! You should have acted smartly enough to kill me when you had the chance instead of going through the trouble of driving me away, following your baseless fear that counted me as a cursed child… hahahahahaha..." the creature covered in blood, which was of course not his own, said as he laughed hysterically, lamenting his unfortunate past once again…

"It was true after all, you really are cursed, you will be eradicated sooner or lat-" the half surviving body of the middle aged man gave out before it could continue…
