
I really dont know

She wonders if it's the same for Kazuya. Her heart is beating so much; her face is probably all red, she's sweating too. Maybe it's just her who feels all these things. Eldest brother used to tell her not to give her heart to anyone since it means completely exposing herself to them. However, when she met Kazuya again, Lyn understood. So this is how it feels to give her heart to another person. The two of them have come a long way together.

"This is bad," Kazuya said, breaking the silence. For a split moment, Lyn was worried that he found out, he's going to start thinking she is an idiot. Lyn braced herself for the negative remark, but she didn't get it, instead... "My heart is beating so much."

At that comment, her eyes widened, "I think it's my heart."

Kazuya laughed, "Nope, it's definitely mine. My hands are all sweaty."

He's such an idiot. Her gaze softened at his words, and she closed her eyes. She leaned forward.
