wow this club is packed Anna i know and look at all the cute guys yea to bad your taken yea but ur not don't remind me come let's get a drink thin go find Josh ok we push are way to the bar the bartenders kind of cute what can I get u ladies I'll have rum mixed with Coke damn Anna ur trying to get fucked up tonight aren't u and what can I get u cutie I'll have a Vodka Martini with Blueberry Juice coming right up and u talking about me u drink 3 of those ur going to be on ur ass Raven ok u told me to have fun yes I did here u go Lady's thank u.Let's go find Josh I think I see him over there hey baby come site hey Raven hey Josh why we sitting all the way back here I just thought we could site and drink for a minute thin go dance. 20 minutes later wow Raven that's ur 3rd drink yea ik I'm kinda fucked up but in a good way I want to go dance come dance with me Anna lol ok all I feel is me grinding on Anna Raven u better stop ur getting a lot of looks but I can't blame them u look hot tonight I'm going to go back over there with Josh ok I'm going to keep danceing I'm so messed up I've had a lot to drink to night it feels like I'm the only one here but I snap back in to realitywhen I feel some one push up against at first I thought it was Anna but this person is taller and muscular and smells really good I go to turn around to push him away but when I do I'm meet by these big silver eyes and a handsome he's tall with blonde hair a pale I get lost in is eyes thin the room starts spinning and everything goes black.