
I am ready

I pull the blind open, enter and close it then go to him. I sit very close to him then hug him as I say in a persuading but still loving voice.

"I was waiting for you outside, I even sent Yabo to tell you that but you already has some excuses." I said as I hold his waist and slowly moving towards him.

"Nana, I'm not in the mood for a conversation. Just leave."

"But I want to take you out. I even dressed up for that ..please let me take you out." I pleaded in a tiny voice.

He turned his head and he is now looking me in the eyes .."You want to take me out?" He asked disbelievingly.

"Yes, I want to take my husband out." I replied.

"Ok." He said and started getting up but then stop, he turns back to me and is now looking me in the eye as if trying to figure out what's going on in my head.

"Nana, why do you want to take me out and besides where are you even taking me too?

"I'm taking you to my Island home." I said meaning the beautiful building he gave to me as a wedding present.

"You know it didn't quite go well the last time we were there." He reminded me, making me recall how awful I was to him that day. He had kissed me when I entered the water and I had kissed him back ..I even lead him on but then when he pressed his aroused member to me, I got scared and push him off ..he didn't talk to me on our way back home but that was because he said he was sexually depressed and that he needed some alone time.

"I think I'm ready now." I whisper in his ear. He quickly looked at me asking if I'm sure ..not waiting for a reply he said.

"No we can't Nana ..at least not when you just think it but when you know ..you need to be sure" He said then sit back down as if we are done talking and that I'm leaving.

"I know .. I don't kn.. I.. think ..I know, ok! I'm sure." I said getting frustrated that he knows me too well to know that I'm not hundred percent sure.

"Baby.. Ok, let's go." He said then stand up and help me stand too before leading me outside after he had dismissed his kingsmen who actually were really in a meeting but not a very important one that demands the Emperor's present or opinion.

"Nana, it's ok.. Stop fighting with your fingers, they're going to hurt later." He said when the rider pull the wagon on the other side of the river making me very nervous and self conscious.

"What are you doing! I yell and then start giggling in surprise and happiness. I really love his hand around my waist.

"I'm carrying my beautiful wife because this handsome man love her and love having his hands wrap around her tiny sexy waist." He replied which make me giggle but the thought of what we're about to start flowing in my mind making me tense in his hold.

"Stop thinking about it in that way baby." He whispers in my left ear.

"I think I'm not supposed to plan this type of thing, I'm just supposed to let it happen but I've already planned it and the anticipation is killing me plus Jandi said it will hurt and I'm not really a fan of pain ..if anything, I hate it."

"You love me kissing you though.." He said as he captures my lips in a hot kiss then he started laying me down on a bed which make me try to look around but I can't because he's still kissing my lips and he is not letting go and I don't want him to.

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