

Chapter 38: The evil Fire Can't Be Suppressed

  Although the main function of the Soul Ascension pill is to enhance soul power, it is also like the Xuanshui Pill, it has the use of stimulating potential, but the potential that the soul Ascension Pill can stimulate is very small.

  Moreover, Xuanshui Pill can be eaten one more, but Shengshun Pill can only be taken one pill in a person's life. If you eat more, it will affect your future cultivation potential.

  The annual output of Shengxun Dan in the entire continent will not exceed 20 pieces, which shows its preciousness.

  Therefore, Huo Yuhao was able to bet on three Xuanshui pills from Xu Sanshi's hands before, which would seem incredible in Wang Dong's eyes.

  Not only did he think it was incredible that Huo Yuhao could bet on three Xuanshui pills, but he also thought it was incredible that Xu Sanshi had so many Xuanshui pills.

  What Huo Yuhao said to Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao before was not only to the two of them, but also to himself.

  Without strength, you are a lamb slaughtered by others, a fish on a cutting board.

  Just like in his previous life, Tang San played with his destiny wantonly.

  In fact, Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao didn't know that when they were in a coma, the old man in white was Ma Xiaotao's teacher and the dean of the Martial Arts Department of Shrek Academy, Yan Shaozhe.

  Speaking of Yan Shaozhe's identity, it is also a very bloody matter.

  He is the great-grandson of Ye Xishui and Long Xiaoyao.[1]

  Back then, Ye Xishui played Long Xiaoyao and Moon around, but what she really liked was Long Xiaoyao.

  Later, Ye Xishuiyao turned over Long Xiaoyao, fled far away, and gave birth to her first child.[2]

  Yan Shaozhe is the descendant of this child.


  After the one-day course, Huo Yuhao once again took Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao out for a barbecue.

  This time, the two of them were silent, just quietly helping Huo Yuhao fight.

  After seeing Zhou Yi's perversion and the "sealing" of the inner courtyard teacher, they obviously have a new understanding of Shrek Academy.

  Coupled with Huo Yuhao's words, they couldn't help but focus on Huo Yuhao's opinions.

  At the same time, on the other side, in a secret room on the island in the heart of Poseidon Lake.

  Ma Xiaotao gradually woke up from his coma.

  Her eyes were faintly pink, and the blood color when she ran away during the day had all faded, and all her eyes were overflowing with doubts at this time.

  "Strange...why is it not hot anymore?"

  Ma Xiaotao quickly turned over and took off the mask on his face, revealing a face that looked like it had just turned twenty years old.

  Just standing there, she has a thrilling figure, like a ripe peach.

  Looking around, Ma Xiaotao immediately determined that this was the ice secret room created to suppress his rampage.

  Ma Xiaotao stepped to the door of the secret room, stretched out his hand and pressed something on the wall, and the door of the secret room was completely opened.

  "Xiao Tao, you are awake."An old voice came at the same time as the door of the secret room opened.

  "This time, you almost made a big mistake!It's just that I don't know if it's a coincidence. When you rushed to the lake of Poseidon, a force of ice attribute from the outside world poured into your body, shaking the evil fire in your body."

  "Xiao Tao, do you remember what you encountered after rushing out of Poseidon Lake?"

  Ma Xiaotao is now eighteen years old, but he is already a soul emperor of the Six Rings.

  The age at which she became the Soul Emperor was even two years younger than when the first Shrek Seven Monsters became the Soul Emperor.   

  This achievement is not scary anymore.

  Hearing the old voice, Ma Xiaotao was slightly dazed.

  "I... don't remember.I just remember that there was a red color in front of me, and then there seemed to be some deadly threat, and then I...Uh, I fainted before I could resist.Wake up again, this is it."

  The old voice was getting closer and closer, and an old man in white walked up to Ma Xiaotao and said in a deep voice: "The evil fire in your body can't be suppressed. How can you not tell me?"

  "Do you know that several students from the outer courtyard almost died under your evil fire this time!"

  "I..." Ma Xiaotao was a little poor. She knew it was indeed her fault, but she still couldn't help but justify: "I thought I could control it, but..."

  The old man in white, Yan Shaozhe, sighed and said, "The longer you suppress it, the stronger it will be when it erupts.Xiao Tao, it's not that you don't understand this truth."

  "In order not to let you fall into evil ways, from now on, you should suspend your cultivation."

  However, Ma Xiaotao stubbornly retorted: "Teacher, I can feel that the evil heat of the evil fire has been completely suppressed, and there will definitely be no problem with cultivating in a short period of time."

  "It's just that, what kind of power is it that can completely suppress my Phoenix Evil Fire?"

  After listening to Ma Xiaotao's words, Yan Shaozhe mused slightly: "I have already asked people to check on those students from the outer courtyard.Originally, I thought it would be the person sent by their family to guard them."

  "But after checking it, I found that there is no such possibility.And everyone else in the college has also investigated.It's really strange that there are many students and teachers in the college who have the ice attribute martial soul, but they are completely inconsistent with the kind you have encountered."

  Ma Xiaotao asked, "Teacher, what are the names of the students in the outer courtyard?""

  Yan Shaozhe paused and said, "Huo Yuhao, Wang Dong, Xiao Xiao.Don't look for them casually."

  "Don't worry, teacher, I'll just take a look and leave.Don't check this matter of finding someone."

  Yan Shaozhe suddenly became angry: "How can I not check it?You are the owner of the ultimate Fire Martial Soul. If you weren't dragged down by this evil fire, why are you here?"

  "If you can find the owner of the ultimate ice attribute martial soul, who happens to be a male, the old man will take the lead and make him a good match with you."

  "In this way, not only will the negative effects of the Phoenix evil fire in your body be solved, but you can truly soar into the sky in the future.Maybe the children born by your combination will be stronger."

  "No, teacher.I would never marry someone I don't like for a martial soul.A mere evil fire, I will suppress it."Ma Xiaotao was also stubborn, and he refuted it in person.

  "But the problem is, the evil fire can't be suppressed!"Yan Shaozhe sighed.

  "Don't be capricious, Xiao Tao.You are so good, you must not be affected by the evil fire and unable to advance.The old man has already decided on this matter. Feelings can be cultivated. If you are wayward, the old man will not recognize you as a disciple!"

  Ma Xiaotao was a little aggrieved, but he didn't dare to say anything, but he became even more disgusted with his evil fire in his heart.


  Note [1]: Inferred from the age mentioned in the original text, Yan Shaozhe's most accurate seniority is almost that of Long Ye's grandson or great-grandson. Taken together, the great-grandson is more accurate.

  Note [2]: Long Ye's children were born when they were young, and Zhong Liwu was born before and after Ye Xishui returned to the Holy Spirit Sect and broke through the limit Douluo.

   The third brother's charm moment: ["I didn't expect it, I knew you would be surprised when you heard it.But, don't say it's you, even if it's me, I haven't seen him for more than a hundred years, and I don't know if he's still alive.I can't go to see him, because I will never let him know that he has a mother who is the leader of the Holy Spirit and the master of evil spirits.I just hope that he can live healthy and healthy. It is enough to be an ordinary person. I don't even want him to become a soul master.He followed my last name and surname before joining the Holy Spirit Church."Speaking of which, creation makes people.The descendants of our children, relying on their own talents, were admitted to Shrek Academy, and they even worshipped Moon. If it weren't for his martial soul, it would be my second martial soul Bright Phoenix. I really don't know. It turns out that Moon actually accepted me and your descendants as apprentices, and cultivated him with all his strength, making him the dean of the Martial soul department." "What?"Hearing this, Huo Yuhao and Tang Wutong finally couldn't bear the shock in their hearts, and at the same time exclaimed, if it weren't for Ye Xishui to say this today, who would have thought that Yan Shaozhe, the dean of the Martial Arts Department of Shrek Academy, would actually be the son of the Grim Reaper Douluo Ye Xishui and the Dragon Emperor Douluo Long Xiaoyao?Who would have thought of it?]

    Ye Xishui clearly said that Yan Shaozhe is a descendant of his own children. Huo Yuhao and Tang Wutong can actually make up Ye Xishui's sons here. What the third brother wrote is really hard to stretch.

  (End of this chapter)

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