

Douluo's Demon Tiger's Power Chapter 12 Extreme Evil-UU Reading Mobile Version


  And Tang Rui was on the head of the Dark demon Cthulhu at the moment, and his dark tiger claws directly pierced the back of the dark demon Cthulhu's head.

  "Roar~" The Dark Demon Cthulhu glanced at Tang Rui and fell directly to the ground, his eyes showing the impossible.

  And Tang Rui also heard the meaning of the last roar of the Dark demon Cthulhu, and it expressed that his dark demon Cthulhu could not lock Tang Rui at all.

  This blow, which condensed most of its soul power, couldn't lock Tang Rui at all, which made it feel desperate.

  Everything around became distorted, all the space was instantly shattered, and endless darkness swept in again.

  "It seems that I won this battle of life and death, maybe my martial soul won."Looking at the dark demon Cthulhu in front of him, Tang Rui knew his weakness.

  A purple soul ring slowly appeared on the body of the dark demon Cthulhu, and Tang Rui felt a dark aura on the purple soul ring.

  "My third soul ring, there is nothing more suitable than you."Tang Rui sat cross-legged directly in the cave of the dark demon Cthulhu, directly absorbing the soul ring.

  Perhaps it was because Tang Rui's martial soul was the dark demon Cthulhu. This soul ring was easy to absorb without any resistance.

  Tang Rui also woke up an hour later.

  "It's so comfortable. Sure enough, the third ring is different from the second ring. This power is much stronger. Let's take a look at the system."

  Name: Tang Rui

  Age: 9 years old

  Soul power: Level 31 (0%)

  Martial Soul: Dark Demon Cthulhu

  Soul skills: Star Flash, Phantom Slash, Supreme Evil

  Talent: Devour Level 3, Power of Evil Level 3, Body of Demon Tiger (open at level 50), Time and Space Level 0 (open at level 60)

  Reminder: There are four moves to the evil, namely the dark demon evil Thunder, the dark demon evil blade, the dark demon thunder and lightning, and the guardian of the evil god.

  "Yes, there are four more tricks, let me see these skills."

  Ten minutes later, Tang Rui tried these four tricks. The dark demon Evil Thunder was the last trick of the dark demon Cthulhu before, and the dark demon evil blade was the trick issued by its tiger wing.

  As for the dark demon thunder and lightning, it is to launch a black thunder and lightning, which is no less powerful than the first two moves, and finally it is the guardian of Cthulhu.

  After Tang Rui used the Cthulhu guardian, a gray mask appeared on his body to completely protect his body.

  "This Cthulhu guardian is really strong. As long as it doesn't exceed my level 10, basically no one can break it. It's a pity that it consumes too much. With my current soul power, I can only use Cthulhu guardian twice, and I basically won't use it until the moment of death."After Tang Rui relieved the guardian of Cthulhu, he obviously felt the power of this trick, but it was a pity that it consumed too much.

  "Not counting the Cthulhu guardian, the other three tricks are also very strong, and now I can finally use the Cthulhu hook and tiger wings, haha."After Tang Rui's Power of Evil was turned on, he found that he could already control the entire body part. This news can be said to be second only to those four skills.

  Tang Ruiqi felt very comfortable with the wings behind him: "These wings and the Cthulhu hook seem to have soul bones attached to them!Use less in front of people in the future"

  Tang Rui looked at the system panel and said: "Level 30 allows me to control so many things. It seems that the next stage of the Demon tiger body will also be of great help to me, but level 50 is not like this anymore. In the future, the level will get slower and slower, even if there is a devouring talent, it will take a lot of time."

  …...Two years later, a scarred man walked out of the Xingdou Great Forest. Many people pointed at him along the way, but when he saw his eyes, he didn't dare to speak.

  Although his appearance is very sloppy, he can still be seen to be handsome, especially those evil eyes, which are terrifying and fascinating.

  "Haha, two years have passed so fast. According to what the uncle said, Junior three should graduate in 5 days. I really don't know how Junior three is now. In the original work, he is now 29th grade, and it should be almost the same now."

  Tang Rui lived in the Xingdou Great Forest for another two years. In these two years, he spent a year raising the first two soul rings to about 2,000. Like the third soul ring, this change has made his Star Flash and Phantom Slash have also changed a lot.

  As for the other year, he is basically in actual combat, so in the past two years he has only improved a few levels, and now he is a 35-level soul deity. This is still his cultivation base when he occasionally devours it. If he wants, he can reach level 40 now, but there is no need for this.

  After a year of fighting with soul beasts, his actual combat experience is now very strong, and his control of soul skills is more detailed, and the price of obtaining these is a year of fighting. During this year, he has fought with nearly a thousand soul beasts, each of which is more than 3000 years old. During this period, he faced death several times, but fortunately, he was guarded by Cthulhu, but even so, more than a dozen scars formed on his body.

  A few days later, Tang Rui finally came to Tang San's junior college, and at this time Tang Rui was not as sloppy as before. He sold some things such as the skins of the beasts he had hunted in the past two years, and also sold 2,000 golden soul coins. According to his character, how could he make himself suffer? , So he spent hundreds of golden soul coins to organize himself from head to toe.

  Walking into the junior college a few years in the future, Tang Rui couldn't help but think of when he came a few years ago.

  "Where is it, it hasn't been here for a few years, and it hasn't changed much at this time!"Looking at the college that has changed a bit, Tang Rui saw an 11-year-old student coming not far away.

  Hurriedly walked over and asked, "Little guy, do you know where your Senior Tang San is?""

  The student watched Tang Rui speak to himself,

I couldn't help but get scared.

  Tang Rui looked at the trembling student in front of him, and couldn't help sighing: "I won't eat you again. Is it necessary to tremble in fear?"

  The student thought about it too, and said slowly: "I don't know where Senior Tang San is. I don't see Senior Tang San several times a year."

  Looking at the students who didn't know anything, "Xiaowu" suddenly appeared in Tang Rui's mind.

  "You should know that Xiaowu, you must often see her, a little rabbit who runs around all day long."

  After thinking about it for a while, the student replied: "Sister Xiaowu should take a nap in the dormitory at this point. Do you want me to take you there?"

  "It's going to be 3 o'clock, are you still sleeping?"Tang Rui couldn't believe it when he heard it.UU read a book www.uukanshu.com

  The student saw that Tang Rui still believed it, and quickly explained: "Well, Sister Xiaowu is now at level 29, better than most teachers, so she doesn't usually have to go to class."

  "Well, the dormitory shouldn't have changed."Tang Rui asked, afraid of going wrong.

  "The dormitory has not changed, but Sister Xiaowu now lives in the innermost room on the 4th floor."

  "Okay, thank you then!"Tang Rui thanked him and turned around and left. Watching Tang Rui leave, the student breathed a sigh of relief.

  Tang Rui, who had been walking for more than ten minutes, finally arrived and looked at a sign hanging on the door, "Sister Xiaowu's exclusive room is not allowed to enter except Tang San, otherwise you will be at your own risk."

  "Good guy, I really think of this place as my own home."

  Tang Rui directly raised his leg and kicked open the door in front of him.

  The sound of "boom~" was extremely clear, and it could be heard within a hundred meters, and the door was directly kicked on the ground by Tang Rui.

  "Which bastard dares to kick my door, do you want to die?"Xiao Wu sat up directly from the bed and yelled at the door, not like a girl at all.

  Tang Rui looked at Xiaowu who had just been awakened in front of him, smiled and said, "Little rabbit, what's the matter, I kicked the door. Are you dissatisfied? If you don't accept it, you can fuck me!"

  "You are~ I remember, you are that bastard Tang Rui, forget it, for the sake of Junior three's face, your little dance sister won't do anything to you today, otherwise you can beat your head crooked."Xiaowu said while doing a beating action.

  "You can clean up yourself first. You are 12 years old and you are still like a minx. I will come to you later."After speaking, Tang Rui turned around and left, without giving Xiaowu face at all. Xiaowu looked at Tang Rui, who turned around and left, and directly pricked up the rabbit ears on his head.

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