
40 Hectares of Wheat Fields, Seer Suggests.

With 500 new people living in Pameres Kingdom already and with 500 more coming next month, it has become an inevitable fact that better more dependable food sources have to be established without blowing too much Budget on them.

It is a bit troubling since Pameres Kingdom doesn't really have any Wheat Grain farms to heavily depend on. This Domain only has a Grape Farm and those are definitely not for eating. However, the good thing about food is that wherever it is purchased, half or more of the money spend on it can be recovered due to the fact that the whole Kingdom buys it.

The Striped Marlin Meat coming from Gaster Kingdom can be taken as a prime example. King Zar settled a deal from the very beginning to purchase it at a rate of 3 Gold Coins per Kilogram. It is way below the Market value, but at that time a good deal for both ends of the stick. Most importantly, Zar set a rule for it to be sold for 5 Gold Coins per Kilogram here.
