

Aditya observed the unusually calm figure of Kumari as both of them dipped cake pops into a chocolate fountain. She had turned quiet since they started shopping. Aditya would be lying if he said that he was not the least bit affected by this eye-opening experience. Aditya had been visually acclimatized to these luxury branded clothes because of his stay at the international school and recently with his association with Taarini. But, he had never gone shopping at one of these stores where the prices were better discussed in USD than Indian rupee as he felt that the line of zeroes was longer than the dress itself.

He was shocked to see a plain white shirt dress with some embellishments worth 6000 USD which seemed as if not worth more than a hundred to Aditya. But he knew that today's purpose was not to think about why these things cost so much but to appease Kumari's hidden desires. So, he did not even think twice before buying that very dress which seemed to lack a pair of trousers in Aditya's opinion (the dress was too short).

He also bought many clothes from other top luxury brands like LV, Prada, Gucci like a compact poplin & Chiffon dress, a bow detail turtle neck top, belted straight-leg trousers, a pair of running sneakers, a bean hat and other accessories without looking at the price tags. Aditya feared that he would not have the courage to continue if he saw the prices. He only hoped that Taarini would not ask for the card back after today. The only thing that he bought enthusiastically was a pair of amethyst crystal earrings worth a 1000 USD because as Kumari said, he did like her ears very much.

Since Aditya reached teenage, he was more interested in learning about automobiles more than anything. So, Aditya had been accustomed to wearing 100 INR (1-2 USD) shirts and pants which were ideal for rough use and grease stains. Though his mother would buy these expensive clothes, he never accompanied her for shopping and only wore those clothes on special and festive occasions without caring about their price. So, this was his first experience shopping these expensive clothes, that too he was buying for Kumari. This experience truly broadened his horizon.

If Aditya who was in a far better position than Kumari had been affected, it need not be said the impact that Aditya's shopping spree had on Kumari. Kumari had been quite enthusiastic in the beginning as she swaggered into the huge, spacious mall and flashed the card to some administrative personnel. The moment that person saw the card, he ran and got the manager who started personally accompanying them as he said that it would be convenient for them.

The truth was that the manager had directly contacted the main office headquarters to report about Aditya and Kumari as he doubted that this jovial couple in simple attires did not seem worthy of this card. But the reply he got from the head office was directly from the 'Star Empress' herself who stated that he was to personally accompany them so that no one else would think low of them and embarrass themselves. He was further instructed to satisfy their every wish even if they were beyond the provisions of this card. This was enough for the manager to smell an opportunity here.

With the manager accompanying them like a personal aide, no problems arose thereafter. Kumari's eyes glittered when she entered the shop filled with glittering decorations and service personnel wearing more expensive clothes than her. She felt really thrilled as she immediately selected a dress that she wanted to wear which was a beautiful, elegant dress that she saw her classmate wearing recently.

But when Kumari saw her reflection in the mirror, Kumari saw a really gorgeous person but the person in the mirror somehow felt like a stranger to her. She suddenly felt she did not know what kind of a person, the exquisite lady in the reflection, was. What did she want to be? What was she doing? Wasn't this what she wanted? Shouldn't she be happy and jumping right now? All sorts of conflicting thoughts and doubts filled her mind.

She forcefully suppressed these disturbances and tried all kinds of latest fashion designs. Her heart calmed down a little when she saw Aditya's eyes lit up as he encouraged her to try more. Aditya had these service persons remove the price tags before giving the dresses to Kumari to try. Aditya also tried some clothes as Kumari did not want to be the only one buying.

This was where a small accident happened after Aditya went into the trial room, Kumari's curiosity took over and she found out the prices of the things which she decided to buy. At first, her blood cooled as her face started becoming pale when she heard the prices. She managed to smile weakly at the servicewoman and lowered her head to hide her inner turmoil.

The first thing her mind instinctively thought of was comparing her family's income to these price tags and her heart shook when she discovered that the amount of money she spent in these few hours was more than her family's yearly income. She suddenly felt a kind of fear and aversion when she saw the clothes she bought. She suddenly understood why she felt like she was seeing a stranger when she donned these clothes. Because that really wasn't who she was.

When Aditya came from the trial room and asked the staff to pack up everything, Kumari bit her lips tightly as she held Aditya's shirt and muttered in a low voice, "Adi, let's not buy these clothes." Aditya was stunned a little when he heard these words as he guessed the reason and asked, "Did you find the prices?"

Kumari lowered her head and nodded slowly. Aditya felt a pang in his heart when he saw this 'meek' Kumari. He had always seen a girl who was a fighter with a fiery, passionate heart who said and did what she felt without concern for other's opinions, the effect of Sameera's death was truly big to her. Aditya smiled as he held her hand firmly but did not stop the people from packing these clothes. Kumari struggled a little but gave up in the end, she really was not sure of anything, she did not know if she wanted these clothes or did not want them. The clothes were directly sent to be packed into his car.

After eating the chocolate dipped cake pops, Aditya dragged his silent friend for watching a film. It was a film which released recently which depicted a family drama an old couple living with their grandson in a village, yearns for the love of their children, who live abroad and hardly visit them. This old couple hatches a plan to get their children to visit them often.

Aditya picked this movie because he was currently very interested in village life and this movie depicted it beautifully. Aditya got the tickets for a special platinum class film screen in the same mall which had large, comfortable Lay Z Boy recliners with a five-star hotel ambience and multiple cuisines from which one could order anything.

Aditya figured out that Kumari wanted some time to become normal, so he did not disturb her and watched the movie interestingly while enjoying the spacious seat which reclined so much that it made him feel like he was almost in a sleeping position. After some time, Aditya saw Kumari stand up, he was about to ask whether she wanted anything when he saw her walking towards him. Before Aditya could speak anything, Kumari sat on his lap and lean on him fully. She only said, "Don't speak" before resting her head on his shoulders and closed her eyes.

Aditya was a little surprised but recovered quickly. He sighed as he held Kumari in a comfortable position and continued to watch the film. He did not even have to try to control any unwanted thoughts as his body also seem to react according to the opposite party's mood. After some time, Aditya felt some quivering as Kumari started crying silently, dampening his shirt.

The feeling that she had been constraining since Sameera had died burst out at once while she was with Aditya as he was the only one of her age with whom she felt completely comfortable and secure. Even though elder sister Hamsa was very kind or Kranthi was very friendly and supportive, they could not give her this sense of freedom that she felt with Sameera or Aditya around her. With all the surprises that Aditya brought her today, the buried emotions of grief, she was hiding from everyone, spilt at last.

Aditya continued to watch the film without disturbing Kumari all the while slowly patting her back. At some point in time, Kumari stopped crying and directly slipped into sleep while hugging his waist. Aditya smiled when he heard Kumari snoring. Given that both of them have thin physiques, the recliner was able to easily accommodate both of them. During the intermission break (Indian films are divided into two halves with a break for refreshments between them as the length of a film is usually more than 150 minutes), Aditya did not mind the weird gazes directed at them and sent the waiter away who came to ask if he wanted anything, by shaking his head lightly.

After the second half started and the movie was about to end in twenty minutes, Kumari woke up but did not move much as she continued to hug Aditya and watch the movie silently. After some time, she asked, "Aditya, do you think that I have become a gold digger?"

Aditya smiled as he said, "you? gold digger? Am sure, given your beauty, many boys must have approached you. Some of them would have definitely offered rich gifts to get into your good side. So, did you accept their gifts?"

Kumari shook her head silently as a small smile spread on her face. She knew who she was but she was afraid that Aditya might think less of her. Her heart loosened when she heard Aditya's words, she had already lost one of her best friends, she did not want to lose the remaining one also. If Aditya had said anything but these words, even if she would have understood and forgiven him, a small gap would have been created in her heart which she did not want to see.

"As for been attracted to these things, it is perfectly normal. Who doesn't like to wear these exotic clothes and show off to others?" Aditya added.

"You don't," Kumari said softly.

"I don't because I am quite busy both physically and mentally to think about these things right now," Aditya laughed a little as he patted Kumari's back.

"What are you so busy with?" Kumari asked the question she wanted to ask for a long time.

"I will tell you when the time is ripe."

Hmph! Kumari pouted her small, delicate lips but did not question further.

"Kumari, can I say something?" Aditya asked as if he was hesitating about something.

"What is it?" Kumari's curiosity was piqued when she saw Aditya's reaction.

Aditya gritted his teeth as if he was making a big decision and said, "if there ever comes a time when you want to become a gold digger. You are welcome to dig my gold." a teasing expression appeared on Aditya's face as he bit Kumari's left ear lightly.

"Die, you bastard Aditya, who do you think I am? I am gonna see your blood tonight," Kumari started punching, biting and pinching Aditya in any place accessible to her arms and mouth. Aditya laughed as he constrained Kumari with his arms. Aditya's calmed down to find his neighbours looking at them with disgruntled expressions. The whole emotional mood created in this film's climax was totally disrupted by both of them. Aditya picked up the punching and kicking Kumari as he hurried out before these people decided to have them thrown out.

Aditya did not completely leave the theatre but stopped in the small, deserted corridor connecting the screen and the refreshments area. Kumari took a long time before finally giving up, she panted as she moved strands of hair stuck on her sweaty and reddened face as she glared at Aditya. She calmed down for a while before snorting and pulled the laughing Aditya out.

As Aditya drove the car towards Kumari's home, he noticed that Kumari looked a lot more relaxed and smiled a lot more. She even told stories from school and how there was a particular idiot who stuck to her, refusing to leave unless she agreed to date him. Aditya listened to whatever Kumari had to say as he was happy that she started to act more and more like her real self.

Aditya bid goodbye to Kumari and made his way to the garage. Aditya did not want to leave this garage as, in a way, this place holds many memories for him. He got to know Tya and his abilities, met Taarini, rescued Hamsa and spent many days here with her. So, he did not go to that apartment which was adjacent to 'Ishaan's' but came here to spend his time as 'Aditya'.

He chatted a little with Chakri (another mechanic in the garage) before slowly making his way to the penthouse. He planned a sleepless night to make up for the time spent with Kumari so that he could start on writing the mobile operating system with the help of Tya.

Aditya firmly believed that the privacy of normal people was severely compromised by 'those' people and so planned to build his own version of Mac, a closed platform/ walled garden/ closed ecosystem wherein he would have complete control over applications, content, and media. With this, he would be able to restrict access to outsiders. So, there was a broad range of software which he had to recreate so that anyone who accesses this system won't feel as if they were missing something. He had planned to not use this system for commercial purpose, rather it would be for him and his associates in the future.

As Aditya pondered about these issues, preparing for a long night he froze with his hand in the door handle. Aditya's pupils shrank when he sniffed again to confirm. His face became grim, his eyes cold and muscles taut as he had just detected a light metallic smell of human blood in the air coming from his room.

Any guesses?

Cherrycreators' thoughts