
CHAPTER 34 : Baby, I Miss You...

"Kahina..." he quietly sat beside her bed. She is sleeping soundly. Her sleeping countenance screams innocent and pure. She is like a baby, a beautiful innocent baby. He really uncomfortable to disturb her sleep but he can't wait to hear her explanation regarding the picture she sent.

He saw the flower and the picture on the side table and he picked it up. The picture was disturbing enough to stir Kahina's emotion but he really amazed Kahina was able to sleep as if it is nothing. He scanned the flower, flipped it forth and back. A few petals fall from the bouquet but he didn't care at all. Even if he destroyed the flower he just doesn't mind at all if it allowed him to find any clues. The loud rustling sound of plastic from the flower bouquet woke Kahina up. She actually awakes the moment Touma entered the room. She just started her heavenly dreamland journey but as a light sleeper she aware of any changes and company.

When she saw he start to 'abuse' the flower she can't prolong her pretend anymore. 'Poor flower. It doesn't do anything to him.'

"Stop destroying my flower. Look at the mess you did,"

Her voice startled Touma. He just let his grinned showed. It wasn't his intention but one couldn't hurt to be thorough, right?

"You awake. Good. Tell me everything," he rushed Kahina to explain to him the whole situation but Kahina just stared at him with no intention to talk.

"You should take a picture if you want it to last longer. Quick! Tell me the whole situation." he teased her but still kept urging on the topic.

"Why are you here? You supposed to be in the office. Your new project launching is just around the corner. I can handle this. It just a stupid person tries to seek death."


"Okay... sigh... I still waiting on the information but I think we have the common enemy. When I said we, I meant our family, not specifically targeted both of us. I suggest you tighten your security around Nobu Anzo and all you Sohonbucho (senior advisor in Yakuza Organization)."

"I will but do you have any suspect?"

"I have a few names pop up in my mind but none of them brave enough to do this,"

"I think I have a rough idea who did this but I don't have any proof."

Touma words raise curiosity within Kahina. 'Well done, hubby!' she praised him silently. 'Hubby' sounds so well to her. Her heart feels warm and full of happiness.


"Not here. I tell you later. Like I said the wall might have ears."

"Do you have any plan?"

"Indeed I do." He smiles turns really scary and evil. He rarely feels excited to punish his enemy but this one is intrigued him a lot.


A few weeks have passed since Kahina had been discharged but nothing happens since that. No movement from anyone and the calmness is like preparing itself for the storms. Kahina and Touma relationship grew closer and they always appeared together almost every day. All the Yakuza members familiars with their acquaintance and didn't bother to gossip about it either. Kahina and Touma weren't hiding their relationship at all. Kahina makes sure of it to chase away all the flies around Touma.

But it was different in suburban north Tokyo in one of the abandoned warehouses.

"Mistress, all the preparation is 80% completed. The drug you ordered will arrive in two days."

"How were the spies in Anzo and Hinode Residence?" Fiona asked with flat tone on her voice and nothingness in her deep hazel eyes.

"They able to infiltrate to the residence and one of them were able to secure an important position."

He carefully reported the result she wanted. He had been with Fiona for a few years and he understands so well that Fiona doesn't tolerate failure. She single-handedly killed 30 men before when they tried to betray her after the group was founded because they thought she doesn't fit to lead them. Only the original members know how strong and evil she is to let her lead the group. The betrayer joined them later when the group was started to gain more power and never seen her in action that is why they unable to accept Fiona as the leader.

"Mistress, West Region are now gaining more power and profitable than before under Hinode Group and Anzo also enjoying the benefit as you predicted. Should we start with the plan?"

"No, let them be for now. When they are growing more power their greed will start to build up and that the perfect time to strike. I just need to find a way to break Kahina and Touma relationship. Their relationship is an annoyance to our next move."

The pictures of Touma and Kahina smiled to each other emphasize the warm bubbly love atmosphere around them brings hatred in Fiona's eyes. She narrowed her eyes and gritting her teeth, coldly stared on every picture. Each of the pictures showed both of them sweet interaction but it was not giving Fiona a slightest good feeling at all.

'They don't deserve to be happy at all! They should die!!!' she slammed both of her hands to the table producing a loud sound that shocked everyone in the room. She pulled out a knife from the back of her hip and repeatedly stabs all the pictures of Touma and Kahina but her action was stopped abruptly to one of the pictures. She picked the picture and caresses it gently. It was a picture of Kahina and Touma but there was a man behind Touma with a black sunglasses and a stern face. The man aloof and charismatic demeanour turns Fiona bloodshot eyes to gentle. She unconsciously let a sweet smile out and the smiled gave all of her underlings a cold shivered.

Fiona blinks a few times before she made a phone call to the man in the picture. The man was able to bring the softness and compassionate women in her.

"Baby, I miss you..." she coquettishly told the man on the phone as soon as the line was connected.

Dear readers,

Today someone I didn't know greet and wish me good luck and happiness. It was so random but it amazes me how the simple wish was able to make me feel happy.

So, I want to extend my happiness to all of my readers. May God ease all of your hardship and your life fills with blessing and happiness.

With love and happiness,

Ika Zainudin

IkaZainudincreators' thoughts