
CHAPTER 16 : Mr. Bear, can you tell your master

Hinode Residence

Kahina laid on her soft king size bed staring on the ceiling and grinning so wide. She feels really satisfied with the outcome for tonight date. She is a step closer to Touma's heart and if everything goes well, she will be Mrs Anzo in the future. She felt embarrassed by herself and start to roll forth and back on the bed. She really can't contain her happiness and excitement. She suddenly grabs her phone on the side table and starts looking for Touma's contact number. She starts texting him.

[Thank you for tonight, I have a great time]

A few seconds later, Touma replied

[Me too]

'Just me too? tch! This guy' It is normal for him to reply this short text to her. They have been texting each other daily since a week ago but she still hopes for more excitement from him.

[Only me too? That's all? You are not fun at all]

[See you tomorrow]

[Wait!] And there is no more text from him anymore.

"Stupid guy! He really didn't know how to flatter me at all." She curses him while holding the teddy bear Touma gives her at shooting range last time.

"Mr Bear, your master really like to play hard to get huh!" she pokes its nose a few time and then kisses it.

"Mr Bear, can you tell him that I miss him already." She snuggles the teddy bear until she falls asleep with a smile on her face.


Anzo Residence

He laughs listen to the voice recording in front of him. It is a recording from the Teddy Bear he gave to Kahina. At first, he is only want to figure out Kahina actual motive but till today what he got only Kahina funny babbled every night before she goes to sleep. She gave the Teddy Bear a name, Mr Bear; it is a really lame name in Touma's opinion but it easy for the tongue. Based on his observation, Kahina is a simple girl. Every night before she sleeps she will read a romance novel; she will laugh and cries within a blink of eyes. Sometimes she was angry with the character in the book. He can't grasp on her ability to change her emotion easily but when he asks Ando, he told him it is quite normal for women to have so many emotions at a time. He also starts doing his own research about women behaviour but none of his sources is given him the exact answer. He even comes to some articles suggested for anyone to stop trying to understand women. It is just an impossible task. He quite shocked at first but he thought it must have a reason for them to suggest that. He really lacks experience in handling a woman and Kahina is the second woman is affecting his life other than his mother. Kahina also sometimes listen to classical music while she is working and the most shocking thing is Kahina wake up really early in the morning. He couldn't figure out what she had been doing early in the morning but she will be back at her room exactly eight every day. He only can hear everything in her room but not outside and Kahina spends only sleep time on her room, and others time it just stays out of it. He now understands Kahina is busy all the time but still arrange her time to spend with him. He feels really touch and happy thinking that he is one of Kahina's priorities. If this woman willing to prioritize him, he also willing to give a chance for them but he is sure he still not falling in love with Kahina yet. It can't help but think Kahina has a hidden motive for him or Anzo family. They are a nemesis; to begin with, it is never hurt to be careful rather than sorry.

'Mr. Bear, can you tell your master that I miss him already.'

He startled for a second then his lips slowly stretch wider. This young lady is really good at flirt even without him in front of her. His heart couldn't take it anymore with all the flirting and wooing. He is really worried he will fall for her if this continues and if it really happens he needs to prepare himself with the obstacles await. The biggest obstacle he most terrified with is his father!

He slowly turns to stare at the picture in front of him; a woman with long black hair and enchanting liquid eyes embracing an adorable little boy smiling brightly to each other. They look so happy and free like nothing in the entire world is matter to them.

'I miss you, mother' his fingertips gently caress the image and kiss it like it is a real person. He missed her a lot. He really wishes he can turn back the time just to have a few moments with her. She always knows every answer to his questions and never has she complained to his annoying question. She will answer repeatedly with a gentle smile. He is always a curious boy in the room roaming everywhere with his chatty mouth try to understand everything around him. His consciousness is slowly faded away to dreamland with the memories of his mother.

Dear readers,

It is currently 4.00 am in the morning here and I finally able to post another chapter for you. I have been upset all day because my computer kept on restarting itself, again and again, all day long. I don't know what was wrong with it but I success on fixing it after burning out my beauty sleep.

Please continue to vote and even better if you can leave a comment and review my story. I really appreciate it. Thank you.

With love

Ika Zainudin

IkaZainudincreators' thoughts