
CHAPTER 11 : I will bounce back

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" she continues to curse him even after the car drove away from Megamind Corp.

"What does he think he is?! Play my heart as if it is nothing. He is really courting death!" she vents her anger repeatedly. She didn't expect him to act like that. It is really different from her imagination. It would really be sweet if he does it all the way but he just wants to tease and laugh at her. Her self-pride did not permit it.

Ken quietly watching her young mistress talking to herself, he did not dare to disturb her at the moment. He has been with her for a really long time, to understand her ways of doing everything, this is the first time her plan did not align with her wish. Now she really found her match this time.

After ten minutes, she is calm down and realizes they have been circling around Tokyo for a while. She looks at Ken with muddle eyes.

"Why are we circling? Aren't we are going to Kanagawa?"

"Do you still want to go there, Young mistress?" he taught she wanted to change the plan because of the last event.

Her lips twitch listening to his reply. It reminds her back to Touma. 'Shit! I'm not going to let this go!' she once again bantering with herself upon being reminded of him.

"Yes, I really have the urge to kill someone. Either you bring me there or you will be joining me at the backyard later. Choose!" she glares angrily with a sadistic smile towards him. She looks like a witch, a really evil witch. This look is seldom shown because she is a person always calmly able to assess any situation for her advantage. Angry or bad temper even throwing a tantrum is rarely done by her. If she throws a tantrum normally it is not a tantrum but merely part of her plan to get something.

Scared by her warning Ken immediately order the driver to go to Kanagawa. He is actually like to train with her but not in her current mood. He really loves his happy life. He has been in many roles in the family as he climbs up to his current position but the worst position he experienced before and almost could get him killed is becoming Kahina punching bag. He ends up in the hospital for a week before. A shiver runs up his spine as he recalled the memory.

"Young mistress, may I ask a personal question?" he carefully looks at her with a curious look on his face.

"Ask away" simple replies she just throws at him. He hesitant for a moment before decided to go through with his initial intention.

"Why do you think he is the love of your life? You never met him or know him before." he needs to make sure his young mistress understand the differences between true love and attraction. She smiles wider and her demeanour soften a lot.

"Ken, love and attraction are the same. If you love someone you will always be attracted to them. I do not know if I am in love with him but what I know is I wanted him to be mine and call me crazy, I truly want to protect him with everything I have."

"What if you wrong young mistress?"

"Then it would be an experience for me to grow up."

"I am worried you would be heartbroken"

"That is the risk I am willing to take, so don't worried. I will bounce back." she chuckles then she looks at Ken's eyes assure him with a smile. Ken always likes her smile and she is always smiling. It is really hard to see her with a gloomy face. If it happens, normally it means trouble. As far as he knows her, she is actually a normal girl, strict but soft, manipulative but kind-hearted, naughty but calm and she is really a loving person but because of her family, these traits only limited to their circle only. She loves making friends but when they know about her background they change their attitude towards her either they tried taking advantages or they just scared of her. Ken knows every time it happens it tears her deeply but she always keeps it to herself. He truly worried this time will be the same or even worse because her target this time is someone she shouldn't touch at all. He really wishes he could protect her forever but he understands his place. He looks back at Kahina with a forced smile on his face.

They continue their conversation with different topic didn't realize a car behind had been tailing them for a while.

Dear lovely readers,

Have you ever experienced any heartbreaks? I happen to 'enjoy' it a few times. It really helps me to grow up and be more mature than before. I hope it would help you too. The most important thing is to remember not to give up hope and love. Someday someone is worthy of you will knock your front door. I'll still wait for mine.


Ika Zainudin

IkaZainudincreators' thoughts