
Battle against the nine-tailed fox part 1

In the dining hall the family of four was sitting quietly eating their lunch, they were eating a chakra beast and although it is nowhere near as strong as a tailed beast it gave them the necessary nutrients and even increased their chakra a little bit but it was so small even if they ate a thousand of them it will not be noticeable.

this kind of dish was a luxury that only the very rich and those with high position could enjoy.

After finishing their meal rei put down his knife and fork wiped out his mouth and " dad, mom I am going out for a while" and got up.

" where are you going," asked his father, his mother also looked at him as she was also curious.

" nowhere in particular, I just plan to roam around our borders for a while maybe kill some people while am at it," said rei like it was the most natural thing in the world.




"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, alright alright just be careful while you're at it," said his father, he was not really worried because his son has "awakened" his bloodline a while ago and he will be fine.

" ryushi how could you say that, especially now that our enemies are scheming against us," said Miyako clearly frustrated by her husband lack of worry.

" Relax dear he has already awakened his bloodline and besides he was already pretty strong without it, am pretty sure that the only thing that can threaten him is a rampaging tailed beast, but what are the chances of that happening, HAHAHA," Said ryushi.

" sigh, just be careful honey, you never know," said Miyako.

" Okey mom love you bye," said rei.

As he was leaving Yagami suddenly jumped out of his chair and came after rei, " wait, big bro, I am coming with you" said Yagami, before ryushi or Miyako could say anything rei did a hand sign, a gust of wind appeared, picked Yagami up and put him back in his chair.

" no your not," said rei closing the door behind him.

Yagami sighed and put his head down, seeing him like this Miyako said: " don't worry honey I am sure he just doesn't want you to get hurt".

Before Yagami could process what his mother his father said "I am not sure about that, he just seemed to want to get rid of y..." he stopped mid-sentence as he noticed his wife glaring daggers at him.

" h..ha.. Hahaha, I am sure he just wanted you to be safe son, forgot what I said earlier" said ryushi.

Yagami seeing this seen forgot all about what happened and he returned to chatting with them.


Right now rei was moving at a very fast speed throughout the forest he has made the system scan the timeline and figure out when Madara and hashirama would meet, as he really wanted to meet them especially Madara, and wanted to be one of the leaf village founders, and today is that day that he was waiting for.


Suddenly there was a super loud explosion to Rei's left right after the explosion died down there was the sound of screaming and crying.


A very loud best roar reached his ears rei couldn't resist his curiosity and headed straight in that direction.

About 10 minutes later rei reached his destination, there were thousands of bodies lying everywhere, blood, organs, severed heads and limbs lay everywhere, rei hid behind a tree and looked around, and in front of him in an open area he saw something he couldn't believe, " that fu***ng old man" is all he said.

In front of him was the nine-tailed fox he had cuts all over his body but most of them were healed and the ones that are not are healing at a visible rate.

" da*n humans, they just keep coming, at least this will teach them a good lesson," said Kurama the nine-tailed fox as he layed on the ground and licked his wounds.

Rei after checking what was that commotion all about turned around to leave after all this was none of his business and he didn't have any enmity with the nine tails.

But suddenly an idea struck him, ' it has been a long time since I had found a real opponent and fought for real this could be a blessing in disguise' thought Rei.

After a while, he decided to test himself against the nine tails.

Rei got out from behind the tree and stood facing the nine tails fox and said " hi there nine tails, I was passing by when I heard an explosion so I came to check things and found you so I figured I might as well test my strength against you to see how far have I gone, what do you say" said Rei as if he was speaking to some old acquaintance.

The nine tails was so shocked that he forgot to answer, after a while, he noticed that it was just a child so it said: " human kid leave now and I will spare you, you have only one chance".

" sigh, you know i really really hate when people underestimate me" sais Rei and started making a series of hand sings the moment he finished talking, " fire style: great fireball jutsu" a fireball the same size as the nine tails came out of rei mouth and headed at the nine-tailed fox at incredible speed.

" WHAT, IMPOSSIBLE " screamed the nine tails, it hade no time to dodge so it bought all of its nine tails in front of him and defended against the fireball.

When the fireball collided the earth shock and a giant smoke cloud rose.

ROAR!!, The nine tails spread its tails and roared the sonic boom of his roar accompanied by the movement of his tails dispersed the smoke, he looked around but rei was nowhere to be seen.

" huh, cowa.." the nine tails snorted but before it could continue it sensed incredible danger it dodged as fast as it could but it wasn't fast enough one of his tails was completely cut off, rei had used the fireball as a distraction to go underground and when the time was right he used a lightning jutsu to send a blade made of lightning straight at the nine tails from underground, if it wasn't for its incredible instincts it would have been cut in half.

" DA*N YOU" screamed the nine tails.

" hehe is this all you ha...". Before rei could finish a tail came at him from the side at the speed of lightning, he had no time to dodge or defend so it hit him squarely on the side, he was flung about 300 meters before he could Stabilize himself.

He struggled to get up and coughed a mouthful of blood, at least half of all his bones are now broken, and although he was gravely wounded the was a crazed smile on his face, " AHAHAHA, damn you I underestimated you, HAHAHA, how about we take this up a notch what do you say, HAHAHA" Rei right now was so excited that he almost forgot about the pain he was in.

ROAR!! The nine tails lost it he roared at the top of his lungs and started forming a tailed beast bomb, although the kid in front of it is gravely wounded and the reasonable choice is to just finish him off, but his instincts told him that he will suffer greatly if he did that so, he decided to finish this with his strongest attack
