
Erza scarlet

"By the way, why are those kids bullying you?" Souta still asked even if he knew the reason.

"They don't like the color of my hair so they alienated me. They called me witch or demon" Erza replied to Souta with a gloomy expression.

"Ehh, they are bullying you just because of the color of your hair" Souta said with a hint of anger in his voice.

"...yes" Erza replied as she lowered her head.

"Why don't you tell them to the sisters in the orphanage?" Souta asked her.

"The adult know about the kids bullying me, but they just ignore me" Erza said as she glanced as Souta's face.

Erza looked like she want to asked something.

Souta noticed it and said, "hmm!! What is it?"

"Umm... Why did you help me?" Erza asked the thing that's bothering her mind.

"Is there a reason to help someone in need?" Souta replied to her.

Erza smile brightly at his answer.

"What if they come with more numbers and tried to outnumber you?"

"Don't worry Erza, I'm a wizard" Souta reassured her as he opened his palm and a black orb pop up but immediately dissipated.

"Ehhhh! A wizard?! Erza was startled by what he said and when she saw the black orb formed in his palm she know that he is a real wizard.

"So, don't worry Erza, if they dare to bully you again, just come and find me in the forest. I live in the forest" Souta said to her.

"Ehhh!! You live in the forest?"

"Yes, I've been tried to improve my magic powers, in other words I'm training" Souta said to her.

Erza's eye shone brightly. He's a real mage, she only read in the books about mage's. She didn't think she would met one and he's young around her age.

"It's getting late, you should go home and clean yourself" Souta said to her.

Erza looked like she didn't want to go home.

Souta noticed her hesitating looked and said while patting her head, "if you want to play just come over in the forest and I'll accompany you"

Erza blushed as she nodded her head.

"Umm.. Bye bye!! I'll see you tomorrow Souta" Erza said as she smile and then left happily.

'Is this the feeling when someone cares for you? It feels nice. Souta gets worried about me and care for me. Souta is way too cool' Erza thought happily as she went to the orphanage. She was skipping and humming happily.

'I can't wait for tomorrow to meet Souta again' She thought as she went inside the orphanage.


Souta looked at Erza's figure until he couldn't see her. Then, he looked at his stats.

Name: Souta Yoshizawa

Age: 13

Title: ‹Holder of the Summoning System›

Level: 1

Rank: 0

Cultivation: 0

Str: 15| Agi: 17| Dex: 15| Vit: 13

Magic: 25

Chi: 0

Point: 0

Skill/Abilities: ‹Void Dragon Slaying level1›

Summon 0/5: ‹none›

'My stats are too low, I guess I'll try to increase my points for now' Souta said as he walked inside the forest.
