
own tartarus

When I came to end of tunnel it got opened into small but deep pit. Across it lies the shallow rope bridge. It is in such a way that only one person can use it only once. If another person would have came with me they may not have left with any other choice but to stay here waiting for me to come for rescuing them. Which is almost impossible because there is no coming back. They would have starved to death awaiting for me. So "no awaits"

This three lines are more defined now. By gods grace the odds are on my side until now. I am still alive because of my luck. I don't know how far I am going to live in this deadly pit. Somehow I lived this day pretty well. My legs ached as I settled to sleep in my own Tartarus alone. For once fatigue washes over me and I slipped into a long siesta.

When I woke up it is late night around eleven pm. I packed my things and had a quick bite of dinner before I start my run. This time I didn't have a much luck as I took some random turns. I felt like I am in same arena where I started this night. No bridges, no pits. It is plain and even everywhere. The map I have didn't help me much. It is like I am lost in a place with everything similar.

I didn't loose my hope. The lines I studied before were incomplete. Six more lines are missing that means there is more I need to find. When I am running across the pit I saw first three lines embedded on a hard wall. Which means that I completed first stage of puzzle in labyrinth. If I keep on going I may find some other lines.

With the same hope I survived my journey for a week by now. I don't have much supplies now. I am only left with one option. Find the exit before my starvation kills me. I kept going ignoring my delicacy until now. My fragility started to dominate my limbs. My brain stopped to protest the madness of labyrinth. I became so vulnerable as things got complicated. This maze started to play with my brain it started outwitted my brain.
