
Are they.....? together

He carried her to the bed and tucked her carefully. The white webs covered the bed right from the ceiling to the floor, he made sure that the temperature is adequately cool and then went downstairs after kissing her

Jean woke up as her stomach growled with hunger. It is already noon and almost lunch time. She rubbed her eyes and then remembered about the party downstairs, but she is in no mood to go down so she went into the kitchen and made some instant noodles.

Mean while in the party…

Guests are mesmerized by the beauty and magnificence of the house. It is just the ground floor and basement they are accessed to roam freely but it is enough for them to classify this as the most extravagant house they have ever seen.

As they excitedly looked around the house, on the same time they are waiting for Scott to arrive so the party could be officially started.
