
The Second Job 3

[In many sports just having the stats as you will be in the future you could win a gold medal in the Olympics, it is not that these sports do not require different talent or techniques, but rather that you would be far above the others.]

[A good example of this would be weightlifting or other tests that require strength in the Olympics, even though all these sports also require training and techniques if you have two or three times the strength of an opponent you would win.]

[So although I say that you can have all the jobs you wanted and could do whatever you wanted, there are some things that I hope you do not do for your conscience, after all, you should not do things when you know you have an advantage unfair.]

[But you can still participate in another sport besides basketball, I just hope you do not overdo it, but by taking the sports you have no problem to have other jobs, and having a job can also help you to better accomplish the things that you do have to do.]
