
19. Truth

Her screams were countless as her hand seemed to have gotten smashed under Nine's weight...but she didn't want to give up because she had to search for her grandfather...

Nine said, " Still not giving up, huh?"...Seven then stepped forward and said to her, " Just give up, it's for your own good..."

She didn't reply, but looked at him with spiteful eyes and finally she spit at Seven's face. Causing an uproar, Nine removed his step from her hand and kicked her twice at the abdominal area...he then said, " How dare this br**, spit at the one of the ranked members of the Hua clan. Your death is now confirmed, just like your grandfather whom I strangled to death with this very hand...Although I didn't want to strangle someone of that age, but it was a very beautiful sight...to see him slowly struggle in my grip, until his whole body got limp, truly a work of art, won't you agree?!..."
