

Music recommendation: Chord Overstreet - Hold On (Acoustic)


Owen rushed down in the tunnel after Stella and Sarah, leaving Aiden and Vasily in the warehouse.

Vasily shot two more times and observed that the Voronins are approaching the warehouse carefully, obviously afraid that this silence is only for shooters to reload their magazines.

"Come on!", Aiden shouted at Vasily, even though he was on the verge of leaving him behind.

"You first!", Vasily shouted back.

Aiden pressed his lips into a line, but he didn't have time to argue.

Aiden moved three steps down and turned to see that Vasily is closing the trap door from the outside.

"What are you doing?", Aiden asked and blocked the door from closing with his arm.

"I can give you another minute or two at most. Don't waste it. Here…", Vasily said and pushed something small into Aiden's hand.
