
The final results

Over breakfast, Sarah and Aiden told Hong about the two days long training and that he will need to decide if he will stay in his current place or return back.

"How do you know about this?", Hong asked.

Sarah and Aiden exchanged glances when they realized that they rushed. With their talk about staying at the main base of the Voronin family, and moving to the middle circle, and training… they forgot that Hong does not know about Eve. Their goal was to give more time for Hong to think about his options, forgetting that they should not know about this before the official announcement.

Sarah decided to play the mystery card.

"You know that we are more than just two kids who can throw a punch, right?"

Sarah felt silly addressing herself and Aiden as kids. They will be parents in a few months, but that is how Hong calls them, so she went with it.
