
Saturday at Disneyland (3)

Ade observed the four boys and reminded himself to stay cool. Ron and Zula will be here in less than a minute.

"Do you want something?"

"We want the passes you are using to take the rides without waiting. And while at it, give us your wallets and any other valuables." The boy on the left said sternly. He pointed at Hande. "That is a nice purse."

Hande stiffened and gripped the teddy bear keychain which Ade gave her earlier that morning. There is no way she is giving that away no matter how big those boys are!

Ade was getting irritated. Why are they picking on a little girl? They have no honor! "Leave her out of this."

"That is not on you to decide." One of the boys sneered.

Ade flexed his hands before balling them into fists. "Do you think that you can bully us?"

"We don't think, we know." The boy on the left said mockingly. "Do you think that you have a chance against the four of us?"

Ade smirked. "We will not know until we try."
