
Ronin brothers visit LA (8)

~ Los Angeles, Charlie's villa ~


8:32 AM

Charlie and Emma are in the dining room with Mike.

Emma is checking photos which Ryan and Sean sent her on the phone. Charlie leaned closer to see them also.

"They are up from early…", Emma mumbled while looking at the photos of Ryan and Sean sparring with Allen and Julius.

"And they are already hiking now, look at this view!", Emma exclaimed before passing her phone to Mike.

"Looks like they are having fun.", Charlie said before returning to the food on his plate.

Emma saw that Mike only glanced at the screen before returning the phone and she assumed that Mike is dejected because he is stuck here with her. "I am sorry. You came all the way to Los Angeles, and I am dragging you with me. You know that I am boring… I am not a hiking type, but do you want me to locate them so that you can join?"
