
The Ronin family (2)

After a click sound of the door unlocking, the front door was pushed open.

"Wow! What's with the men in black outside? I had to show my ID as a proof that I live here so that I can come up!", a young man exclaimed with a big smile on his face when he entered the apartment. Another young man, very similar to the first one followed two steps behind.

"Hi Emma!", they called in unison.

Emma stood up and hugged her brothers. "Hi Ryan! Hi Sean!"

Ryan and Sean are the youngest ones in the Ronin family. They are nineteen-year-old twins and they look alike so much that many people mix them up.

While Charlie shook hands with Ryan and Sean, Mrs. Ronin was glancing down through the window because of what Ryan said. She saw more than ten people in black suits and three black luxury cars parked in front of their apartment building.

Mrs. Ronin scrutinized Charlie. "Yours?"

Charlie confirmed.
