
Martin-Hill baby is here! (2)

"Do you want to cut the cord?", obgyn asked Felix.

Felix took the scissors with shaky hands and cut it.

The two nurses in the room got busy cleaning the baby swiftly with warm towels and few seconds later, the baby girl was on Sophia's chest.

Both Sophia and Felix stared at the baby like it's the most amazing thing they ever saw.

Sophia placed her hands carefully over baby's wrinkly back and kissed the top of her head.

"She has your hair…", Sophia told Felix.

Felix reached slowly toward baby's head and touched gently her almost white scarce locks. He smiled.

"Thank you.", he told Sophia and kissed her on the lips.

Felix moved Sophia's hair off from her sweaty face and he was confident that he never saw her so beautiful. She was glowing.

They were smiling and kissing while touching gently, forgetting completely about all the cursing and screaming that happened only a minute ago.
