
No one is born brave (6)

JoAnna and Sarah felt desperation overwhelm them. How can the system be so flawed? Greg is a doctor, and he does not care about any human being. In order to satisfy his desires, he will hurt anyone who is in his way. In order to earn money, he manipulated the hospital data and put people with more money in front of the line, while others needed to wait for their transplants. And he can claim insanity and avoid jail.

Both sisters felt that this is injustice.

Sarah spoke. "Anna, let's call big sis." She turned to Aiden. "You can watch him for few minutes. Right?"

Aiden nodded and gave a look to Jeff who also agreed.

Greg's hand was still extended towards JoAnna. Seeing that she is ignoring him and walking away, Greg stepped toward her trying to grab her arm.
