
Where are you? (6)

Results from brain scan came back. JoAnna looked at them, and consulted several experts in area of brain functions, before sharing the results with Aiden and Stella. "Her brain activity is similar to the one who is dreaming. Nothing is wrong, we already flushed almost all toxins out of her system. She is just sleeping... trapped in a dream."

"How long does this last?", Aiden looked at Sarah. She did look like she is sleeping.

JoAnna shook her head, "There is no way to predict that."

Aiden looked at JoAnna. "Is there a way to help her wake up?"

"This is something that she needs to do on her own. Some studies say that person in this state can hear sounds..." JoAnna looked at Aiden. "Sarah relies on you, and she trusts you. Talk to her. Help her find a way out of the dream."
