

Azaire could almost feel the power build and his inner body strengthen. He felt healthier then he had in a long time....actually, he'd never felt this healthy in his life! His heart pumped more steadily and he felt like he could run a marathon and fight a panda bear and still have energy to spare.

He felt the power settle into his bones until all of the sealed Ki was absorbed into his bones, joints, and organs and began to exude out into his body creating a pathway through his blood from his heart to his major organs and all of them eventually led to his daintain, that place in the center of the body located near the solar plexus, all life eventually gathered and was stored here.

This is where the body created and produced the life energies cultivators commanded.

Azaire allowed his Ki to solidify it's reinforcements and guided the creation of the Ki pathway, taking care to leave the proper room for the pathways of the other life energies he'd need to command to cultivate with the diagrams cultivation.

Finally finished with the first half of Chapter 1/Body Level 1 Azaire felt confident he would be able to repeat the process in real life. He looked up to the two men to brag about his brilliant mind only to see the two staring at him as if he'd grown a third head.

"What has gotten into you two?"

Azaire grumbled as he wanted to celebrate his success and these two jerks were ruining the mood. 'They're probably just jealous' Azaire thought this half heartedly, understanding the ridiculousness of the theory.

The two men looked at each other for a second as if passing some hidden message between the two before looking at him again, and Azaire couldn't help but feel a sharp jolt of irritation at being kept out of the loop.

Jared opened his mouth as if to explain but he suddenly made a solemn face before looking out at seemingly nothing. Chime reacted similarly a beat later.

"We need to wake up," Jared grumbled and suddenly he was gone.

Not too long after that Azaire felt a pull at his consciousness and understanding that something serious was going on he obeyed the pull allowing it to drag him from his dreamworld. His last sight was Chime's face full of worries.

Standing above him, like some restless spirit haunting his tent, his master stood there the first thing he had to see as he opened his eyes. She had a constipated look on her face and was staring absently at Azaire's lower stomach approximately where his newly awoken daintain resided.

Suddenly an arm came around his waist and Azaire looked beside himself at the giant sitting there glaring at the opening of the tent effectively ignoring Master Talya's presence.

"We'll discus this later Az. Come on you two lets go greet our guests!"

Master Talya spared one more glance to Azaire's daintain and swiftly left the tent without waiting to see if they followed.

"Come on Azzy someone's coming and it's not for tea, and they're coming straight for us."

After explaining a little to the hopelessly confused Azaire, Jared hauled the young man up along with himself. And made for the tent opening grabbing one of the young mans hands and dragging him along.

Azaire felt his cheeks warm as an unexpected strange feeling rumbled inside him. His stomach seemed to be doing weird acrobatics.

'Am I coming down with a stomach ache?'

Azaire felt these strange feelings required further studying once he had the time and resources. After all he didn't want to come down with some obscure disease and find out only after it was too late!

As they made their way out Azaire noticed Titania already out staring at a certain point in the distance and turning to look at Master Talya then Jared he realized the other two were looking that way as well.

Put out at being left out of the loop Azaire activated his energy vision, a little surprised at how easily it activated this time.

Now he could see humanoid aura's that looked strange and shifty as if trying to hide in plain sight not too far from their camp.

When focusing the aura's were grey and gravel like. Similar to very low grade sand, and they were heading towards the camp. FAST.

Seeing his master's irritated expression Azaire guessed they were a very unwelcome surprise.

Suddenly those around Azaire could feel his aura become cold as his entire being seemed to change. Master Talya didn't bat ab eye at this but just let out a dramatic sigh. She was very used to this side of Azaire as well.

The other two were confused by Azaire's sudden change of bearing though. However they didn't have time to ask about it since they're uninvited guests had finally arrived!

There were four of them all together. They had skin as yellow as the sand and milky white eyes. These stood out first before everything else. Judging simply on appearance one seemed to be female and the other three seemed to be males.

The woman had long blonde hair that seemed to have been ironed straight. It fell to the middle of her back. There was even two football sized breasts that didn't really fit her body well. She could be described as willowy but looked too frail for the term to fit. She seemed more malnourished with what would have been a curvy body if it'd been properly filled out. And she was about 6 feet tall.

One of the guys looked like her identical twin in male form and he might have been in fact. He even had the same malnourished but shapely curves as his sister. The main difference between the two was his chest was flat where his sister wasn't and he had short cropped blonde hair different from his sister's long straight hair.

The second guy also seemed sort of malnourished but he was much smaller then the twins and sported a purple mohawk. Instead of curves going along with his ever-hungry look the small guy seemed to be made of all hard lines instead.

Then there was the final guy. The only one of the three who seemed like he wasn't starved from birth. He looked to be a little taller then the twins so somewhere in the six foot range and he had a boxer's build similar to Azaire's but much more developed. He had brilliant orange hair and his skin seemed to have a healthier glow then the other's and unlike Azaire's muscle's his seemed to 'Ripple'.

Unlike the other three who were glaring at Master Talya and the other's like they'd kicked their puppy, this guy stared at their group with silent indifference.

The two groups seemed to just stare at each other for a moment. The 'Hungry Three' as Azaire had coldly dubbed them in his mind seemed to get angrier by the second and a brownish red blush seemingly from anger seemed to spread on their faces. The other guy contineued to stare cooly as if this all had nothing to do with him.

Master Talya snorted as the other group dared to stand in her path, yet couldn't even summon the courage to speak.

As if realizing her thoughts the Hungry Three seemed to finally be pushed off the edge and the smallest one suddenly yelled at them sharply.

"Y-you are t-trespassing in our matters Miss T-talya and company! Surrender?"

By the end of the demand the yell had slowly tapered off into a whimper.


Master Talya replied with humor in her voice clearly not even taking the group seriously.

"And who's going to make me?"

Her words were forceful and accompanied by a dominating aura that could scare demons and angels alike....

Hey I know y’all were looking forward to the mass release I was supposed to do on my vacation but I ended up getting dragged into family drama and they didn’t give me time to do anything but worry. I love my family but....anyway I will have a nice surprise cooking up for you guys soon. Not sure how long it’ll take to be ready but I hope y’all will like it. Next update should be some point this week.

StormGodlingcreators' thoughts