
Hell's pillars

Under careful eyes of Kuzan and everyone else, Xue Ren entered the soul room of Miya earlier than he thought he would.

"Did you miss me that badly?"

"Even in Hell World, no one could make me fall with fingers alone~~"

"Hoh~~Looks like Hell World doesn't have any capable men... Not like I care though. So, you already know that I don't like bad lying girls."

"Hahaha~~ I know, I know~~ I am 10th pillar of Hell's army, Wonders L. Sistisse. Call me Little Sis, alright~~"

Pillar? Xue Ren narrowed his eyes as he didn't know what does it even mean... Is that how they call their high positioned people?

"Pillars are main strength of the Hell World so your guess is probably correct~~ Ah, 'The Lord' that works here is 50th pillar~~. And it's also one of his consciousness... So, do you feel like shit now?~~"
