

It's about 2 in afternoon. Thomas is now released for his half a day leave. He took this time to absorb the information and adjust himself according to new system that 'will' introduced to him. Now his time to rest is about to end so he gets ready, changes into his new uniform the timetable for today.

He is a part of a batch that is made of 15 cadet which lead by one officer cadet. Total 4 batches are there like that in a class which means total 64 cadets.

Officers cadets are chosen every year by their scores and those with highest scorer gets that position.

Score in academy are given for your overall performance in respective subjects and will added to scores of all subjects at the end of year to make avarage out of them and that is one's final result.

Now, is time for some history lesson that will take 4 hours then is the end of the day.

He exits the room and walk in the hall way leaving the dorm and reach common junction that connects all four buildings which are dorm, canteen, store house and cadets weapons section. He sees lot of bustling there, cadets are most of entering and leaving canteen and some are going to weapons section as they have combat drill lessons today.

Everybody stopped in their tracks and chattering as Thomas enter the comman junction hall and stared at him. But Thomas didn't stops, he keeps walking as he was used to this from the past.

It's not that he is infamous for his berserk state or is an outstanding cadet. That's not the case, it's just that he is quite tall even for tallest super soldier guard in academy as that guard is seven and half feet tall but Thomas on the other hand is over eight feet tall.

It can't be helped, if he stands alone anyone could describe him as normal kid with quite some masculine athletic body and slightly tall hight. But here in the academy only few cadets have hight near seven feet or more and avarage hight of cadets is six and a half to near seven feet.

all the cadets are augmented by genetic drugs provides by academy and there are some that have their families provides them new,latest and better gene strengthening drugs and chemical augmentation so they can perform better in academy and after graduating get higher posts in military.

Even so, no one is near the hight of Thomas and that made them look weirdly at Thomas who is orphan.

He now realise that this is why everyone looks at him on odd way!! because in their eyes he is low class orphan that have no background, even then only with the gene drugs and chemical augmentation provide by academy he can bring their potential effects better then them, who uses lot of and better methods then him.

That is why these cadets are coursing him and don't put him in their eyes even became happy when he went berserk. It made their ego satisfied and make them think that the guy that is threat to them has a weak body that can't handle augmentation, so what if he could bring out more potential effects of drugs provide by academy?!

But remembering that he is chosen for supper soldier programme he found it reasonable for his body to be taller then others as they use harsh and brutal methods of making super soldiers in programme, unlike these upper echelons kids that only uses tested and harmless methods.

He went past the common hall to canteen to eat lunch as he didn't eat anything for breakfast, he felt very hungry.

In Mean time 'will' was keeping an eye on Kevin who is monitoring Thomas.

Right now Kevin's mind is processing the information that is stated in report and while doing that he remembered bunch of cadets comments about Thomas in this morning.

'These bunch! They don't have any idea who are they bitching about! He can easily beat them if Thomas wanted to, Hell! He can even turn half of the academy into graveyard!!, beating bunch of greenhorns is not a problem for him.'

Tit Tit Tit Tit Tit ...

Again alert notify him that Thomas is on the move. He turns towards the monitor and sees Thomas exiting from his room.

Kevin switch to another camera that is at the junction hall. That is the only blind spot 'Will' spotted so far, between his room to the junction hall, after all this time.

Kevin watches Thomas who walks towards the canteen, he immediately presses few buttons as Thomas entered in canteen.

Old man Anderson instructed to do this.


Thomas do the daily check of ID at canteen counter for getting his meal. Every cadet have to do this for every meal they eat.

This is because academy managed personal diet for every single cadet. It is necessary to cadets take right amount of nutrients and protein daily. As academy monitors all cadets health they new what is lacking in particular cadet's body so they can provide to that cadet by linking cadets ID to diet programme set for individual cadets. It also applies to medication as canteen also have that. It gives personalised medications daily, weekly and monthly to all cadets.

After ID scan, Thomas waited for while at counter for his meal to arrive. Three service men at the counter working, saw Thomas as one of them reached the automated machine that provides meal according to diet plan of related cadet as well as medications.

He took the readied meal plate and small cup of capsules and tablets and gave them to Thomas.

Here, Thomas receive his meal and medications and was about to leave, the service man who gave him meal called out to him.

"Hey, it is a protocol to take your medications on the spot in front of us and the camera behind me for everyone that means you're no exception." He said with lazy tone and yawned. Looks like he got bored by job and remineding every other cadet this thing.

"I'm getting sick of reminding all of you about this. When will you all started to learn?!"

Thomas stopped his tracks and turn to counter then gulp down his medication cup without water, the attender was surprised by that. Thomas then left to eat his meal.

He went to empty table that is located in less crowded corner area as he set down then looked around to make sure that no one is paying attention to him. after confirming that no one is looking, he turned his head to side as he spat out all the medicines and put them into his pocket.

He started to eat his meal like his previous action didn't happen.

"Why did you make me do that? That medicines is for suppressing my berserk state and helps me supporting drug enhancement by reducing pain." Thomas asks inwardly to will while eating.

Few minutes ago when Thomas 's meal and medicine came out of the machine right after that 'will' warned him.

[Don't eat that medicines.]

Thomas was startled by her sudden voice out.

"But why?" He didn't expressed his surprise out side his facial expressions remained same as before but raise his question.

For him this medicines are very important, to suppress berserking and to endure other enhancement. He need the reason for not to take his medications.

[Just do what I say. Trust me, you don't have time to listen to me right now look your meal arrived.]

She hastely said as she saw his meal served.

Thomas took her advice and didn't take the medicines right away but received it and started to walk away.

He knew about protocol but seeing lazy attender he thought that he would not pay attention to it. But... attender caught him.

['That damned bastard kevin.']

'will' curse Kevin as she knew it was his doing.

'Damn it.' but Thomas blamed his bad luck.

He listened to the attender's complaints then put up and act of gulping down medicines.


[Remember your weakened and restricted state in character window? This medication is the real reason for that.]

'What!?' Thomas got shocked by her reason and before he could ask any questions, 'Will' explained.

[ these medicines are not for your berserk state, you're berserking because of the medicines. It suppress you as whole as Your body is trying to reject the suppressing effects of these medicines so you are basically not berserking because your body rejects the augmentation.]

'Will' reveals the truth to him.
