
First Day on the Job


The whole yard went silent, everyone looking at the general before them, awaiting orders.

Many of the soldiers were new, each had reasons as to why they had joined the army. Many joined for wealth, others join due to being forced or pressured, some joined to protect China from harm.

But Sky Yun didn't care.

Each of the soldiers in front of him were sheep, and he was hired to be the shepherd.

'My first-time teaching, interesting…'

From learning to becoming a teacher, Sky Yun felt a slight nostalgia remembering his time training with the old man.

"Please receive your new trainer. I shall tell you this, don't underestimate this man in front of you! He has done things, and seen things, that you puny little shits won't fucking understand. You got that?"

General Wu screamed from the top of his lungs. Sky Yun was slightly amused with the new attitude displayed by General Wu who was usually calm.

The soldiers although confused as to why a man who was the same as them was instructing, but they could not refuse the order of the general.

Sky Yun walked up, he stood across from the huge line consisting of the young soldiers that were in a stiff salute.

"No more saluting, we will start with hand to hand combat."

Sky Yun knew that teaching hand to hand combat was the best way to temper your body and also toughen it in order to survive on the battlefield.

"Everyone, get in a pair, and stand face to face from each other. Do not overlap with the other groups around you and have a solid space, enough for you to not interrupt the other groups."

Every solider who heard the order at first didn't comply, but after General Wu looked over and gave a menacing glance, they rushed into groups and followed Sky Yun's orders.

Sky Yun did not care though, he only came to do his duties in which he was asked to do in order to have his honorary title within the Chinese army.

"I will teach you Krav Maga, a non-combat technique that has only one goal, to inflict as much damage to your enemy as possible.

Sky Yun then turned to the baffled General Wu who blindly walked towards Sky Yun.

"Follow my steps and repeat after me."

Sky Yun then grabs General Wu's neck and pulls his leg to the other free hand, he then threw him as hard as he can, causing the general to groan.

"Your turn."

The whole yard went silent, their general who was the strongest in their eyes was thrown like a rag doll. They now understood why the general was vigilant in offending Sky Yun.

The soldiers started to copy the moves Sky Yun had done but to no avail, most had forgotten about the movements due to the brief shock.

"You want me to do it again? Fine."

Sky Yun then forcefully grabbed General Wu's arm whose face was in total despair. He then repeated the throw once again causing the General to cough blood.

The soldiers although were still shocked remembered the sequence and tried it out for themselves.

Sky Yun who saw this, then turned around to leave.

"Instructor Yun, shouldn't you stay and help the soldiers?"

General Wu stood up and saw that Sky Yun was leaving to his apartment.

Sky Yun turned around with a deadpan expression.

"These kids won't learn anything. The only way for them to learn is to actually give them experience rather, than training them in camps. That won't benefit their mentality inside a battlefield."

Sky Yun had a valid point, although he stood there for a few minutes and only demonstrated a move, he could tell that the soldiers weren't ready for war.

It was seen even more so when Sky Yun had thrown the general, their mentality to Sky Yun showed that they underestimated him, which is fatal in a battlefield.

General Wu stood there and shook his head, he knew that when he was training to be a solider the camps were a lot tougher and stricter to what it was now.

The soldiers in the line practicing weren't simply 'soldiers' rather 'civilians with a better physique'.

"Could you please make them into soldiers? Give them tips, techniques and train them so that we don't lose the prestige that China has."

Sky Yun shrugged; he did not care if they turn into soldiers but he was given a task to train them till he leaves.

General Wu knew he won't get a definite answer, so he stayed silent and returned to the yard whilst Sky Yun went back to his home.

Sky Yun went inside his apartment, and called Ling Xue, who had called him a few times but as he was in the yard he couldn't find the time to talk.

"Yun, how are you"

The sweet voice on the phone loosened Sky Yun up, he stared at the ceiling whilst lying on his bed and stayed silent for a few seconds.

"I am good."

The simple response was what Ling Xue needed, she knew that Sky Yun wasn't a talkative person in nature, but she still cares for her husband nevertheless.

"I am coming back to the café in 3 weeks, I hope you will be there to see me"

"I will be there by then, don't worry."

The conversation turned silent; both didn't say a word for a while.

"I love you, see you soon."

Ling Xue then hung up the phone, and Sky Yun just lied on his bed whilst closing his eyes.
