
The Story of Sky Yun, Part II

"Get down!"

In a small alleyway, a man and a young girl are running.

Behind them, countless shots are being fired at them with smoke grenades impairing their vision.

The man holds the young girl in a cradle as he covers her head with his arms.

"Mommy! Daddy!"

The girl in the arms of the man screams for her parents, trying to wiggle out of the man's protection but it was no use, the man kept hold of her and ran as fast as he could.

"Please let me go! Mommy! Daddy!"

The girl was relentless, she kept resisting till she grew tired. The man sighed deeply as he kept running through the smoke, looking for an exit away from the gunfire.

Let's rewind time a bit.

Sky Yun was given a mission during his 4th year to protect the biggest family in France, the Brodeur family.

It was set by the head, as he had told them that a war was about to start in the French capital of Paris.

Knowing that it might risk his family's safety, he had employed Sky Long's mercenary group to protect his wife and 10-year-old daughter.

Sky Long then offered the job to his best man, Sky Yun, who had a 100% completed track record, without no fail.

"The job is to stick with the mother and daughter, follow them and if any threat comes in, eliminate them."

Sky Yun nodded, he then walked off getting set to travel to France.

After a 13-hour flight, he quickly went to the Brodeur Mansion in Paris and started a 24-hour surveillance.

Without any breaks, he watched the family for 3 weeks straight. He mainly focused on the daughter, as the wife rarely left the Mansion grounds knowing that her life maybe in danger.

The daughter however, had to leave to attend school. Sky Yun followed her and watched out to for any sort of attempt to harm her every time she went out to school.

One day however, the unexpected happened.

Although he had detail on every single family that posed a threat towards the Brodeur family, he did not expect that the teachers were bribed to move the students towards a secluded area, in which the assassins moved in to kidnap the little girl.

He rushed towards the location, and unfortunately found that the girl was kidnapped. He quickly warned his employer, telling him that it was unsafe for his family to move out. Sky Yun ran across the whole city, trying to find any detail on where they had taken the little girl.

After hours of running around, he was told to return to the Brodeur family, as they had found a lead.

He went in, and saw the panic-stricken mother and the head of the family Samuel Brodeur racing back and forth.

They then realised Sky Yun walked in, and quickly told him about the situation that they are in.

The kidnappers had asked for both the parents to visit the abandoned warehouse by themselves, with no support. If they do, then the kid is released.

Although they knew it was a trap, they had to go in order to know that their daughter was safe.

Samuel and his wife travelled towards the abandoned warehouse, and found their daughter tied up with several men wearing balaclavas and holding M4 Carbine rifles.

"Samuel Brodeur, come forward and we shall release your daughter."

In French, the main guy who was in front of everyone instructed Samuel, and his wife, to walk forward.

They didn't know however, that Sky Yun was camped out by a bush near the warehouse door waiting for a way to attack.

However, his plan went to waste when…


Gunshot were fired, Samuel and his wife planned without Sky Yun's knowledge, to bring their men in and attack straight away.

Sky Yun knowing that there was no point in hiding, quickly grabbed the tied-up daughter, who witnessed the entire thing, and ran.

He quickly located Samuel and his wife, but before he could get to them, an army van ran them over at full speed.

The scene was dreadful, the daughter who witnessed the situation thing went silent. Sky Yun, although used to such a scene, couldn't help but feel depressed but he had no time to think about what he saw.

After running through the smoke, and finally finding a place to hide as the gunshot smoke start to fade away, Sky Yun and the little girl took a breather.

"I want to see my mommy and daddy…"

In a small whisper, the little girl continued to beg to see her parents. But Sky Yun knew that it was impossible, the velocity in which that van hit the parents was fatal and the fighting that was currently ongoing would seal their fate as dead.

Sky Yun knew that he failed his mission, but at least he saved one of the targets.

"Little girl, don't worry. Mommy and Daddy will… forever stay by your side…"

Sky Yun smiled as much as he can in make the little girl sad, and it worked. The little girl knowing that her parents are going to be by her side forever cheered up slightly, and Sky Yun's heart crumbled seeing the naivety of the girl.

He stood up, and the girl stood up too.

'I'll take her in, and hopefully she can live a go- '

Before he could finish his fault, his senses start to tingle.


A sniper shot that came from the building in front of him was fired, and Sky Yun knew that he could not dodge it. He closed his eyes, expecting himself to be shot. However…

"Gwah, it hurts!"

The sound of a young girl's cry filled the dark alleyway, Sky Yun opened his eyes and his mind went blank.

The young girl was shot, her torso covered in blood and her mouth starting to bleed also.

"No no no, don't die on me little girl, please don't die!"

Sky Yun dropped to his knees and support the young girl. He ripped a piece of his shirt quickly, and held it on the gunshot wound, but he knew it was useless.

"Uncle, am I going to see mommy and daddy soon?"

The young girl asked weakly, her voice started to slowly quieten and still had the sense of innocent.

Sky Yun stared at her, his eyes were bloodshot and filled with tears.

"Yes, you will…"

"Do you have a mommy beside you? Like daddy has?"

Sky Yun who heard what she said, choked up and placed his forehead on hers.

"I… I don't…"

"N-no way, you… are… th"

Before she could finish her sentence, she breathed her last breath. Sky Yun sat there for minutes, staring at the dead child in his arms.


He cried and cried, till there was no tears left in his body. His shoulders shaking and he kept repeating 'I am sorry' under his breath.


Sky Yun woke up from his sleep, looking at the clock it was only 5 am in the morning.

Ling Xue who cradled his arms felt him move, had woken up at the same time. She rubbed her eyes, seeing that it was Sky Yun next to her, she smiled and went back to sleep.

Sky Yun looked at the ceiling, remembering that day was a reoccurring nightmare. The blood squirting out of the girls body and the pure innocence she still had before she died, kept replaying over and over again in his mind.

He pulled his drawers, and took out pills. He quickly swallowed them before getting up from his bed.

A start to a new day.
