
Play (5)

The discussion was thus concluded but Pei Ling had something else to add before they split up, "Since we are working as a team and not all of us here are familiar with each other," she paused to toss a glance at Feng Qi, "I have a suggestion that we can go for a day out together to strengthen our ties and work on our cooperative skills so that we can be more comfortable around each other."

Cindy, said half-heartedly, "Pei Ling, that is a wonderful idea." Even Feng Qi who was not really paying attention could hear the faux cheer in her voice. In any case, Feng Qi had not volunteered much during the earlier discussion and he was not going to start now. Instead, he kept on studying Jun Yang like the latter was the most interesting object in the world.

Sensing Feng Qi's constant gaze on him, Jun Yang kept himself busy by doing his best to not meet Feng Qi's eyes. For some reason, the young man knew that if he did, he would be caught into some flustered or embarrassing moment. And he was not going to have that when he was in class, surrounded by his other classmates.

With half of the team not bothering to give their input, that was how Pei Ling's decision for a group outing was approved. With that going underway, the next thing to decide was the location.

Going out probably interested the girl more because Cindy pulled herself out of the slump to suggest, "I hear the theme park on the other side of town is quite amusing. There is a sale for tickets lately due to the seasons. Shall we go there this weekend?"

Pei Ling thought about it and realized it could be a good venue for her to conduct her plan so she agreed. Neither of the boys said anything and the girls took that as silent agreement.

However, for her plan to work, Pei Ling needed certain people not to be there. With that thought in mind, she coughed audibly under her breath. She was certain Cindy was able to hear her but the girl pretended she could hear nothing as she looked at the paintjob on her fingernails.

Pei Ling tried again and she soon realized Cindy was not going to come to her aid, probably still feeling a certain way from how Pei Ling had disposed of her earlier. Pei Ling reminded herself she needed to have a severe talking to with the girl to remind her of her place later but for now, she had something else to settle.

Since Cindy was of no help to her, Pei Ling had to take things into her own hands. She could not have told Feng Qi outright that he could not come along, when she technically used him as a reason to form this outing. That was why she needed Cindy to be the bad guy on her behalf. Unable to rely on outside help, Pei Ling decided to approach this in a roundabout way.

She turned to Feng Qi with a regretful smile. "Feng Qi, I almost forgot. Wouldn't you be working during the weekend? Then, I'm afraid you will not have the time to join us. That is such a shame. I hope we can move the date to a weekday or when the café is closed but most of us have classes and tuitions to attend to after school. Right, Cindy?"

Pei Ling smiled as she turned to look at Cindy. The latter caught the warning that was heavy in the former's eyes. The fact that she was smiling made it even creepier. Cindy knew that she had crossed the line so she quickly nodded herself to appease Pei Ling. "Yes, yes. We will be busy after school, Feng Qi, it is indeed such a shame."

Either she helped Pei Ling to bully others or she would be the one being bullied, a clever girl like Cindy knew which one was the correct choice.

Pei Ling maintained the smile on her face as she turned back to address Feng Qi. Her voice was laced with genuine-sounding regret and concern, "Like what Cindy said, it is really such a shame. I would have gladly paid for your ticket but unfortunately, it does look like you are able to join us. The trip is not going to be as fun without you."

When she said that, Feng Qi finally turned his eyes away from Jun Yang to look at her, "Then, I shall thank you for your generosity first. I happen to be free on that day." One small pause later, he added, "Even if I'm not, I would have found the time to go, there is no way I am going to miss out on a date with Jun Yang."

Jun Yang turned his head to Feng Qi with shock when he heard his name mentioned and when he met Feng Qi's eyes, the latter winked at him.

'I should have known…' Jun Yang quickly pulled his face away lest the girls caught the blush that he feared would rise to his cheeks. Jun Yang actually had no idea whether Feng Qi was telling the truth or not but he was certain the young man only added the last sentence to grab his attention. There was no need for Feng Qi to call out his name otherwise.

"Wait a minute, who said this is going to be a date…" Pei Ling quickly took issue with Feng Qi's words and action. Before she could get going though, Mr. Sam who was at the lectern suddenly stood up and clapped his hands to gather his students' attention.

"Alright class, it's time to prepare for your upcoming assignment. We are now moving to the auditorium for some simple acting classes. I know you guys don't like to move but the classroom is too small for the exercise that you'd do. Come on now, there's no need to bring anything, just your spirit and attention!"
