
Nothing much, Just jamming the entire network of this hospital

I'll never help you with this problem. Even if I could, I won't"


"B… Because I'm shipping for you and Jianyu with all my heart."


Wang Shi's cabin was engulfed in a long pause of silence. The two humans were staring at each other motionless. Xiu Mei's gaze was like a fire breathing dragon while Wang Shi was staring at her like a rabbit holding a white flag for peace. Xiu Mei's chest was undulating up and down with each rapid breath she took.

Wang Shi, on the other hand, felt like he got stuck in between a rock and a hard place. Outside his cabin, a certain monster was sitting and inside, a fuming fire breathing dragon was looking at him as if very next moment she will eat him alive.

If he dares to go against Jianyu, then his baby brother will never let him live in peace. And if he dares to go against Xiu Mei, then she will probably create havoc in the hospital like she did last time.

He looked at her in trepidation waiting anxiously for her response.
