
Different view of the world

Residents of the European Union, residents of the United States, Canada, residents of Asian capitalist countries, residents of former socialist countries following their own path of development and economy all have different world views.

For example, some of the former allies on the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance, which appeared in 1947 and existed until 1991, to put it mildly, do not churn the USSR.

Like the inhabitants of the USSR, they are wary of the NATO countries, this is due to indoctrination.

Some countries allies have some tendencies to a country which is no longer there, sometimes these prinetices have roots of a historical nature almost from the 16-18th centuries.

Some blame others, while forgetting about their dark side, here everything was in the period of history before the outbreak of World War II.

Well, if we leave aside history, then different rules of the game, different levels of development, economics, living standards, well-being, as well as Internet freedom determine different views on life.

On the one hand, complete freedom is good, provided that Internet users are responsible people and do not violate network ethics. And if not? Of course, on the Internet there should be, if not a controller, a moderator who, as an arbitrator, monitors compliance with existing rules. Otherwise, why does everyone sign the rules for using the Internet, browsers, if they themselves deliberately violate these rules?

That is, as the classics said - life determines consciousness ?!

Well, on the other hand, it's good that all people look at the world differently, otherwise they would all be robots without their own personality.

Although, of course, propaganda and ideology strongly influence the perception of the world. Since not everyone has the opportunity to travel around the world and expand their horizons. To see that the world is different and not the one that TV or the Internet talks about. It is simpler and sometimes more complex. The usual one. household, and not so political.

Yes there are others, but as long as they live quietly and do not propagandize their views around the world, then this is their right, what to be.

And so, of course, now in the 21st century the world is not as destined as it looked in the 00s. Then they still hoped that there would be a new era of the Renaissance. An-no ... such a damn thing did not work.

Well, everything happens in the world.

As our neighbors say, the Persians - you drink water yourself, and let another drink.

Political correctness is needed, people should not insult other people, offend them, call names; this badly affects themselves, they harm their soul and the soul of other people.

Why is this even necessary?
