
Return to Naboo

The planet of Naboo had been invaded by the Trade Federation, the Queen Padmé Amidala had been forced to flee with a pair of Master Jedi who came to her rescue. After sustaining damage to her personal transport, they could only make a single handful of jumps to a nearby outer rim world of Tatooine.

There they had met a strange young force sensitive boy known as Anakin Skywalker. Their meeting came as fated, yet Padmé had completely recognized him as the boy in her dream. The dream that was only possible because of her association with Valad Katsure.

Still the Jedi Master Qui Gon Jin decided that he would train the boy, even though he already had an apprentice. He believed the child to be the chosen one, and so just like in the Phantom Menace, they had the boy race to get the parts they needed for their ship.

In order to secure the boy, he had to make a wager with their slave master. He could only take Anakin Skywalker should they win the race, sadly they couldn't take his mother.

After a fateful encounter with Darth Maul who traced a signal to her ship in the Tatooine outskirts, the Naboo and their Jedi escort escaped the planet unscathed. Janus Greejatus was there to greet them, as opposed to Sheev Palpatine.

The same ruse continued to remove the current Supreme Chancellor and install a new leader for the Republic. One in which would be Janus Greejatus himself. When the effectiveness of the Senate was nilche and Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum was removed from Office due to a vote of no confidence, the Naboo delegation decided to go back home.

It was time to take back what was theirs, by force.


Vaylin and Valad had spent the good part of the month prior training, allowing Vaylin to get more familiar with the use of the lightsaber.

Heavy panting, sweat. Pheromones in the air. Dry nose, dry throat.

[ Retake Naboo Quest Activated. ]

Valad grinned widely, watching as the panting Vaylin was standing beside her after they had just gotten done training heavily in cardio. A true lightsaber with an extendable pike attachment was in her hands. It was just like her mothers.

"It is time to go," he'd exclaim with his arms stretched into the air, letting his bodily perspiration fill the air.

Vaylin with her mouth agape, wiped the sweat from her brow before it could seep into her eyes. Sweat in the eyes burned, it would be a bad idea for them to get mixed up in something and not be able to see. Plus, the pain was a distraction.

When he lifted his arms though, she covered her nose with her forearm as she fixed her posture. Inhaling her own scent over his oder. Neither of them had taken a shower in about a week, so it was rather dank.

"Put. Down. Your. Arms." Vaylin gasped aloud, elbowing him in the side and causing him to partially crumble, only to catch himself before he fell over completely. She succeeded in forcefully lowering his arms.

Groaning as he held his side, he looked over at Vaylin with a smug smirk across his lips. Watching her back as she walked towards the refreshers, in which he followed close behind.

Within a few minutes they both emerged, their hair looked clean and fluffy. Her hair had gotten a inch or so longer, so she looked like a young teenager who was just growing back their hair after almost shaving it off completely.

"You know, I could make your hair blond again... Or maybe any other color you want." Valad snickered as she shoved him several inches away from him, only for him to retract to her side.

"So where is it time to go to?" Like most of his crew, it seemed like she was left in the dark about his own quests, mostly the ones pertaining to the planet of Naboo.

Trevi IV was to be his foothold in the known galaxy and his own personal paradise. Naboo would be the key to connecting with the Republic. In order to have a permanent connection, one needed a permanent Queen to hold the Palace.

"Naboo," Valad said as he gave her a hard, five star, slap on the back. It made a rather loud wet clap since her back was still damp beneath her Zakuul garments.

She tensed and let out a groan, the stinging went all around the area which he had hit. Her lips puckered as she was tempted to hit him back once again. Yet she knew that they'd just go back and forth like they had just gone and done. So she withheld from hitting him again.

Partially closing one eye and raising an adjacent brow, she looked at him with a confused expression. "Why?" She didn't know the current events, yet she didn't really care about this planet either. She under the belief she was being trained to conquer planets with primitives. Yet, she was being brought to a planet of the known worlds?

"To reestablish their Hereditary Monarchy and to help a pair of Jedi," Valad uttered with a light laugh as he grasped her hand.

Vaylin attempted to tug her hand away, but it seemed he was using his fingers to tightly grip her, she couldn't escape it. "..." She looked down at their hands before looking up at him, he was smiling at her like no one else had ever done.

Before she knew it, they were standing in front of a heavily modified Delta-12 Skysprite equipped with its own built in class 1 hyperdrive and cloaking system. It was equipped with the same type of engines as the TIE Predators, removing the sight of the bulky thrusters and was designed to move similar to that of a dragonfly. Being able to not only turn on a dime, but universally move in any direction.

There was additional armor and heavy deflector shielding implemented, and it measured well over eight meters in length compared to a typical Delta-series Jedi Starfighter. Its hidden armaments consisted of two concussion missile tubes, four L-s9.3 laser cannon, just like the TIE Predator. It was equipped with a prototype graviton field interface, which allowed it to move unhindered by its own mass.

She stared at the unknown design, recalling that it looked similar to the other Delta-series craft in the hangar which belonged to Jedi Master Fay. However this Delta-series craft was black with decorative chromium plating.

"Custom build?" Vaylin asked as she could tell that there was plenty of similar aspects incorporated from the other crafts present on the ships. In addition she believed Fay's ship was an original.

Valad shrugged, "Kind of." He looked over her for a moment before looking at R9-9D who was sitting in the astromech socket, silently staring right back at them. "Anti-social droid wants to come with us."

Vaylin's eyes immediately locked on the droid which had almost faded into the paint of the fighter. "Not kidding," she blinked a few times. She was used to droids beeping, chirping or just outright talking. Yet, this Astromech seemed like it wasn't a talker.

With a wave of his hand, the Canopy of the custom delta opened and revealed luxury seating akin to the interior of a earth made luxury-sports car. There was plenty of padding, vintage wood, and even a 'GPS' holographic interface.

"It practically drives itself," Valad nudged her to climb inside, which she did.

Crawling onto the hull, she would peer into the cockpit and look over the instruments before being shoved in by Valad's foot. He proceeded to sit down in the pilots seat as Vaylin was upside down in the passenger side.

"This. Isn't. Funny." She kicked her foot to the side, smacking him in the side of the head with her heel in the process as the canopy was closing.

"Ouch..." Once the canopy was closed, the ship began to lift off the ground and head out of the zone one hangar of the Imperius. Once it was clear of Trevi IV's shadow mass and natural gravity well, it jumped into hyperspace.


"As soon as we land, the Federation will arrest you and force you to sign the treaty!" Panaka warned his Highness, being backed by the agreement of the Jedi Master Qui Gon Jin.

"I agree, I do not understand what you wish to accomplish by this..." It seemed our hero's 'favorite' Jedi was stumped as to what the Queen could possibly do.

A voice full of confidence and conviction, she proclaimed, "I will take back what is ours."

Her eyes shifted to the raised voice of Panaka, again advising her against this course of action. "There are too few of us your highness. We have no army!" Right about now, both of them were reminded of her sworn guardian. The two silently stared at one another until the Jedi Master spoek up once again.

"And I can only protect you, I cannot fight a war for you."

Padmé didn't seem the least bit disturbed nor deterred. Her attention turned towards Jar Jar Binks. "Jar Jar Binks," She called his name with her political and unbiased tone.

As obnoxious as always, the comedic character responded. "Meesa, your highness?"

"Yes Jar Jar, I need your help..."

Just as they heard this come from Padmé's mouth, the Jedi suddenly felt a change. A known fighter class, abide extremely modified came out of hyperspace behind them. Two force touched individuals, powerful in their connection, had arrived directly behind the J-type 327 Nubian royal starship.

Putting two and two together, Qui Gon Jin assumed she believed she wouldn't be fighting alone. "Are you expecting someone, your highness?" Jin asked with his eyes squinted slightly. Obiwan looking over his master before looking to the Queen.

For the first time in her ceremonial dress, the painted mouth of Padmé Amidala spread into an open smile, but didn't respond to the question verbally. With the question he asked, she could only believe that her 'guardian' had returned!


Anakin Skywalker was in the bridge of the royal starship, pointing at the multiple different instruments and naming them. However as the Jedi Starfighter rocketed by them, his eyes grew wide and bright.

"Whoa! More Jedi?" He was clearly excited by the sudden appearance of another ship, but then made a puzzled expression when it faded from view as its cloaking device activated.

"Jedi don't have cloaking devices on their ships... The last I recall," The Pilot said with a pursed brow, remembering there was only one member of the Palace who had cloaking technology. "Hopefully it's who I think it is."

Anakin blinked a few times hearing the pilot and tilted his head to the side slightly. "Is that so?" His eyes surveyed the instruments before leaning back in his chair.

The transport came in for a landing within the twisted forests of Naboo.
