
To the Meeting's Island

"Is everyone ready to go?" Eisen asked, looking around at everyone around him. The people that were with him were Caria, Melissa, Sal, Sky, and Bree, as well as the Devil and Angel, Satel and Ambriel. Behind them, Fafnir was currently stretching, getting ready to fly.

The other 'Originals' were already on the island where the treaty meeting was going to be, but Eisen still had a few things to take care of so he stayed behind for a little longer. Similarly, the half-dragon knights and some soldiers had already made their way to the island to make sure that everything was safe and to familiarize themselves with the environment.

"Yessir!" Bree exclaimed with a slight, playful salute. Her and her brother wanted to come along as well, and Eisen had no real reason to refuse them. They were part of Eisen's entourage and he trusted them both plenty.

"Alright," the old man clapped his hands together, "Then get into the carriage and let's go."
