
Andrew's Ploy

Benjamin pushed himself out of the capsule and stretched. His body always felt so stiff after being in the capsule for too long. With a slight yawn, he made his way out of his room and stepped into the bathroom across the hallway. After relieving himself and washing up, the old man made his way to the kitchen. It was time for dinner, though a very, very late dinner.

Since the schedule that the five of them lived at was fairly different from normal, the five originals ended up eating alone together in the evenings. Though, Andrew did generally eat with his wife as well, but after his body started adapting to his orcish metabolism, he needed to eat a lot more to avoid going hungry, so he ate five full meals a day instead of three.

"There you are! You're always the last one, huh?" Jasmin pointed out with a raised brow, and Benjamin chuckled slightly as he sat down at the table.
