
389. The bad premonition

Kendra tried searching with her soul towards the energy that Constructors will try to send her.

At first, nothing happened but then under her inner line, she saw a thread of energy slowly, very slowly floating towards her. She concentrated at her inner body and first used the energy to build up the energy base. Cleaning the bones, marrow, blood, and every celly inside and outside her body. 

It was quite arduous work. Even tho she had just a tiny body of a little turtle, but she had to hurry up and fill every cell with energy so it can grow up. Tak was looking at her pained expression and started cursing inside his heart. Fool! Why saving these? They are not worth saving. Destructors! Killers! Still wanna save them? Idiot! Don't you dare to die now! He cursed her more and more as he could almost hear the breaking of the teeth inside the tiny mouth.
